
Constraint-Based Design-Space Exploration and Model Synthesis
S. Neema, J. Sztipanovits, G. Karsai

S. Neema, J. Sztipanovits, G. Karsai. "Constraint-Based Design-Space Exploration and Model Synthesis". Embedded Software Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2855/2003, 290-305, 2003.

An important bottleneck in model-based design of embedded systems is the cost of constructing models. This cost can be significantly decreased by increasing the reuse of existing model components in the design process. This paper describes a tool suite, which has been developed for component-based model synthesis. The DESERT tool suite can be interfaced to existing modeling and analysis environments and can be inserted in various, domain specific design flows. The modeling component of DESERT supports the modeling of design spaces and the automated search for designs that meet structural requirements. DESERT has been introduced in automotive applications and proved to be useful in increasing design productivity.

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  • HTML
    S. Neema, J. Sztipanovits, G. Karsai. <a
    >Constraint-Based Design-Space Exploration and Model
    Synthesis</a>, Embedded Software Lecture Notes in
    Computer Science, Volume 2855/2003, 290-305, 2003.
  • Plain text
    S. Neema, J. Sztipanovits, G. Karsai. "Constraint-Based
    Design-Space Exploration and Model Synthesis". Embedded
    Software Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume
    2855/2003, 290-305, 2003.
  • BibTeX
        author = {S. Neema and J. Sztipanovits and G. Karsai},
        title = {Constraint-Based Design-Space Exploration and
                  Model Synthesis},
        booktitle = {Embedded Software Lecture Notes in Computer
                  Science, Volume 2855/2003},
        pages = {290-305},
        year = {2003},
        abstract = { An important bottleneck in model-based design of
                  embedded systems is the cost of constructing
                  models. This cost can be significantly decreased
                  by increasing the reuse of existing model
                  components in the design process. This paper
                  describes a tool suite, which has been developed
                  for component-based model synthesis. The DESERT
                  tool suite can be interfaced to existing modeling
                  and analysis environments and can be inserted in
                  various, domain specific design flows. The
                  modeling component of DESERT supports the modeling
                  of design spaces and the automated search for
                  designs that meet structural requirements. DESERT
                  has been introduced in automotive applications and
                  proved to be useful in increasing design
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/743.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 Nov 2010.
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