
Model-Integrated Computing Infrastructure for Fault Management
Janos Sztipanovits

Janos Sztipanovits. "Model-Integrated Computing Infrastructure for Fault Management". Talk or presentation, June, 2003; Invited talk. International Conference on Principles of Diagnosis (DX’2003), Arlington, VA.

In functional design of large systems, complexity is managed by vertical and horizontal composition. In vertical composition, systems are designed in layers utilizing fundamentally different technologies. Commonly used layers in information systems are: Material, Device and Circuit Layer, Hardware/System Layer, OS/Communication Layer, Middleware Layer(s), Application Layer. The individual layers are designed by using layer-specific abstractions and composition technologies. The core design task on each layer is to use resources provided by a lower layer to implement functionalities demanded by a higher layer. Horizontal composition is performed in a single layer for creating aggregate components using the dominant compositionality principle of the layer. The presentation summarizes research directions in model-integrated computing for addressing multi-layer optimization of fault management architectures in resource constrained embedded systems.

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  • HTML
    Janos Sztipanovits. <a
    ><i>Model-Integrated Computing Infrastructure for
    Fault Management</i></a>, Talk or presentation, 
    June, 2003; Invited talk. International Conference on
    Principles of Diagnosis (DX’2003), Arlington, VA.
  • Plain text
    Janos Sztipanovits. "Model-Integrated Computing
    Infrastructure for Fault Management". Talk or
    presentation,  June, 2003; Invited talk. International
    Conference on Principles of Diagnosis (DX’2003),
    Arlington, VA.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Janos Sztipanovits},
        title = {Model-Integrated Computing Infrastructure for
                  Fault Management},
        month = {June},
        year = {2003},
        note = {Invited talk. International Conference on
                  Principles of Diagnosis (DX’2003), Arlington, VA},
        abstract = {In functional design of large systems, complexity
                  is managed by vertical and horizontal composition.
                  In vertical composition, systems are designed in
                  layers utilizing fundamentally different
                  technologies. Commonly used layers in information
                  systems are: Material, Device and Circuit Layer,
                  Hardware/System Layer, OS/Communication Layer,
                  Middleware Layer(s), Application Layer. The
                  individual layers are designed by using
                  layer-specific abstractions and composition
                  technologies. The core design task on each layer
                  is to use resources provided by a lower layer to
                  implement functionalities demanded by a higher
                  layer. Horizontal composition is performed in a
                  single layer for creating aggregate components
                  using the dominant compositionality principle of
                  the layer. The presentation summarizes research
                  directions in model-integrated computing for
                  addressing multi-layer optimization of fault
                  management architectures in resource constrained
                  embedded systems.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/748.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 Nov 2010.
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