
Online Hierarchical Fault-Adaptive Control for Advanced Life Support Systems
S. Abdelwahed, J. Wu, G. Biswas, J.W. Ramirez, E.J. Manders

S. Abdelwahed, J. Wu, G. Biswas, J.W. Ramirez, E.J. Manders. "Online Hierarchical Fault-Adaptive Control for Advanced Life Support Systems". International Conference On Environmental Systems, Denver, CO, July, 2004.

This paper discusses a hierarchical online fault-adaptive control approach for Advanced Life Support (ALS) Systems. ALS systems contain a number of complex interacting sub-systems. To avoid complexity in the models and online analysis, diagnosis and fault-adaptive control is achieved by local units. To maintain overall performance, the problem of resource management for contending concurrent subsystems has to be addressed. We implement a control structure, where predefined set-point specifications for system operation are used to derived optimizing utility functions for the subsystem controllers. We apply this approach in situations where a fault occurs in a system model to derive new set point specifications and utility functions for the faulty system.

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  • HTML
    S. Abdelwahed, J. Wu, G. Biswas, J.W. Ramirez, E.J. Manders.
    >Online Hierarchical Fault-Adaptive Control for Advanced
    Life Support Systems</a>, International Conference On
    Environmental Systems, Denver, CO, July, 2004.
  • Plain text
    S. Abdelwahed, J. Wu, G. Biswas, J.W. Ramirez, E.J. Manders.
    "Online Hierarchical Fault-Adaptive Control for
    Advanced Life Support Systems". International
    Conference On Environmental Systems, Denver, CO, July, 2004.
  • BibTeX
        author = {S. Abdelwahed and J. Wu and G. Biswas and J.W.
                  Ramirez and E.J. Manders},
        title = {Online Hierarchical Fault-Adaptive Control for
                  Advanced Life Support Systems},
        booktitle = {International Conference On Environmental Systems,
                  Denver, CO},
        month = {July},
        year = {2004},
        abstract = {This paper discusses a hierarchical online
                  fault-adaptive control approach for Advanced Life
                  Support (ALS) Systems. ALS systems contain a
                  number of complex interacting sub-systems. To
                  avoid complexity in the models and online
                  analysis, diagnosis and fault-adaptive control is
                  achieved by local units. To maintain overall
                  performance, the problem of resource management
                  for contending concurrent subsystems has to be
                  addressed. We implement a control structure, where
                  predefined set-point specifications for system
                  operation are used to derived optimizing utility
                  functions for the subsystem controllers. We apply
                  this approach in situations where a fault occurs
                  in a system model to derive new set point
                  specifications and utility functions for the
                  faulty system.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/751.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 Nov 2010.
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