
Reusable Idioms and Patterns in Graph Transformation Languages
A. Agrawal, Z.. Narayanan, F. Shi, A. Vizhanyo, G. Karsai

A. Agrawal, Z.. Narayanan, F. Shi, A. Vizhanyo, G. Karsai. "Reusable Idioms and Patterns in Graph Transformation Languages". International Conference on Graph Transformations, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), March, 2005.

Software engineering tools based on Graph Transformation techniques are becoming available, but their practical applicability is somewhat reduced by the lack of good idioms and design patterns related to these techniques. Idioms and design patterns provide prototypical solutions for recurring design problems in software engineering, but their use can be easily extended into the graph transformation systems. In this paper we briefly present a simple graph transformations language: GREAT, and show how typical design problems that arise in the context of model transformations can be solved using its constructs.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    A. Agrawal, Z.. Narayanan, F. Shi, A. Vizhanyo, G. Karsai.
    >Reusable Idioms and Patterns in Graph Transformation
    Languages</a>, International Conference on Graph
    Transformations, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
    Science (ENTCS), March, 2005.
  • Plain text
    A. Agrawal, Z.. Narayanan, F. Shi, A. Vizhanyo, G. Karsai.
    "Reusable Idioms and Patterns in Graph Transformation
    Languages". International Conference on Graph
    Transformations, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer
    Science (ENTCS), March, 2005.
  • BibTeX
        author = {A. Agrawal and Z.. Narayanan and F. Shi and A.
                  Vizhanyo and G. Karsai},
        title = {Reusable Idioms and Patterns in Graph
                  Transformation Languages},
        booktitle = {International Conference on Graph Transformations,
                  Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
        month = {March},
        year = {2005},
        abstract = {Software engineering tools based on Graph
                  Transformation techniques are becoming available,
                  but their practical applicability is somewhat
                  reduced by the lack of good idioms and design
                  patterns related to these techniques. Idioms and
                  design patterns provide prototypical solutions for
                  recurring design problems in software engineering,
                  but their use can be easily extended into the
                  graph transformation systems. In this paper we
                  briefly present a simple graph transformations
                  language: GREAT, and show how typical design
                  problems that arise in the context of model
                  transformations can be solved using its constructs.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/753.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 Nov 2010.
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