
Random transceiver networks
P. Balister, B. Bollobas

P. Balister, B. Bollobas. "Random transceiver networks". Adv. in Appl. Probab., 41(2):323-343, 2009.

In the paper we consider randomly scattered radio transceivers ind dimensions (in practical applications, in the plane or three dimensional space) each of which can transmit signals to all transceivers in a given randomly chosen region about itself. If a signal is retransmitted by every transceiver that receives it, under what circumstances will a signal propagate to a large distance from its starting point. Put more formally, place points x(1), x(2), ... in space according to a Poisson process with intensity 1. Then, independently for each point x(i), choose a bounded region A(i) from some fixed distribution and let G be the random directed graph with vertex set x(i) and edges x(i)x(j) whenever x(j) is in x(i)+A(i). In the paper we show that for any positive eta, if the regions x(i)+A(i) do not overlap too much (in a sense that we shall make precise), then G has an infinite directed path provided the expected number of transceivers that can receive a signal directly from x(i) is at least 1+. One example where these conditions hold, and we obtain percolation, is in dimension d with A(i) a hypersphere of volume 1+, where  tends to zero as d tends to infinity. Another example is in two dimensions, where A(i) are randomly oriented sectors of a disk of a given angle and area 1+.

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    P. Balister, B. Bollobas. <a
    >Random transceiver networks</a>, <i>Adv. in
    Appl. Probab.</i>, 41(2):323-343,  2009.
  • Plain text
    P. Balister, B. Bollobas. "Random transceiver
    networks". <i>Adv. in Appl. Probab.</i>,
    41(2):323-343,  2009.
  • BibTeX
        author = {P. Balister and B. Bollobas},
        title = {Random transceiver networks},
        journal = {Adv. in Appl. Probab.},
        volume = {41},
        number = {2},
        pages = {323-343},
        year = {2009},
        abstract = { In the paper we consider randomly scattered radio
                  transceivers ind dimensions (in practical
                  applications, in the plane or three dimensional
                  space) each of which can transmit signals to all
                  transceivers in a given randomly chosen region
                  about itself. If a signal is retransmitted by
                  every transceiver that receives it, under what
                  circumstances will a signal propagate to a large
                  distance from its starting point. Put more
                  formally, place points x(1), x(2), ... in space
                  according to a Poisson process with intensity 1.
                  Then, independently for each point x(i), choose a
                  bounded region A(i) from some fixed distribution
                  and let G be the random directed graph with vertex
                  set x(i) and edges x(i)x(j) whenever x(j) is in
                  x(i)+A(i). In the paper we show that for any
                  positive eta, if the regions x(i)+A(i) do not
                  overlap too much (in a sense that we shall make
                  precise), then G has an infinite directed path
                  provided the expected number of transceivers that
                  can receive a signal directly from x(i) is at
                  least 1+ï¨. One example where these conditions
                  hold, and we obtain percolation, is in dimension d
                  with A(i) a hypersphere of volume 1+ï¨, where ï¨
                  tends to zero as d tends to infinity. Another
                  example is in two dimensions, where A(i) are
                  randomly oriented sectors of a disk of a given
                  angle and area 1+ï¨.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/760.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 4 Nov 2010.
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