
Rapid Integration and Calibration of New Sensors Using the Berkeley Aachen Robotics Toolkit (BART)
J. Biermeyer, T. Templeton, C. Berger, H. Gonzalez, N. Naikal, B. Rumpe, S. Sastry

J. Biermeyer, T. Templeton, C. Berger, H. Gonzalez, N. Naikal, B. Rumpe, S. Sastry. "Rapid Integration and Calibration of New Sensors Using the Berkeley Aachen Robotics Toolkit (BART)". Proceedings des 11. Braunschweiger Symposiums "Automatisierungssysteme, Assistenzsysteme und eingebettete Systeme für Transportmittel", ITS Niedersachsen, Braunschweig, 2010.

After the three DARPA Grand Challenge contests many groups around the world have continued to actively research and work toward an autonomous vehicle capable of accomplishing a mission in a given context (e.g. desert, city) while following a set of prescribed rules, but none has been completely successful in uncontrolled environments, a task that many people trivially fulfill every day. We believe that, together with improving the sensors used in cars and the artificial intelligence algorithms used to process the information, the community should focus on the systems engineering aspects of the problem, i.e. the limitations of the car (in terms of space, power, or heat dissipation) and the limitations of the software development cycle. This paper explores these issues and our experiences overcoming them.

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  • HTML
    J. Biermeyer, T. Templeton, C. Berger, H. Gonzalez, N.
    Naikal, B. Rumpe, S. Sastry. <a
    >Rapid Integration and Calibration of New Sensors Using
    the Berkeley Aachen Robotics Toolkit (BART)</a>,
    <i>Proceedings des 11. Braunschweiger Symposiums
    "Automatisierungssysteme, Assistenzsysteme und
    eingebettete Systeme für
    Transportmittel", ITS Niedersachsen,
    Braunschweig</i>,  2010.
  • Plain text
    J. Biermeyer, T. Templeton, C. Berger, H. Gonzalez, N.
    Naikal, B. Rumpe, S. Sastry. "Rapid Integration and
    Calibration of New Sensors Using the Berkeley Aachen
    Robotics Toolkit (BART)". <i>Proceedings des 11.
    Braunschweiger Symposiums "Automatisierungssysteme,
    Assistenzsysteme und eingebettete Systeme für
    Transportmittel", ITS Niedersachsen,
    Braunschweig</i>,  2010.
  • BibTeX
        author = {J. Biermeyer and T. Templeton and C. Berger and H.
                  Gonzalez and N. Naikal and B. Rumpe and S. Sastry},
        title = {Rapid Integration and Calibration of New Sensors
                  Using the Berkeley Aachen Robotics Toolkit (BART)},
        journal = {Proceedings des 11. Braunschweiger Symposiums
                  "Automatisierungssysteme, Assistenzsysteme und
                  eingebettete Systeme für Transportmittel", ITS
                  Niedersachsen, Braunschweig},
        year = {2010},
        abstract = {After the three DARPA Grand Challenge contests
                  many groups around the world have continued to
                  actively research and work toward an autonomous
                  vehicle capable of accomplishing a mission in a
                  given context (e.g. desert, city) while following
                  a set of prescribed rules, but none has been
                  completely successful in uncontrolled
                  environments, a task that many people trivially
                  fulfill every day. We believe that, together with
                  improving the sensors used in cars and the
                  artificial intelligence algorithms used to process
                  the information, the community should focus on the
                  systems engineering aspects of the problem, i.e.
                  the limitations of the car (in terms of space,
                  power, or heat dissipation) and the limitations of
                  the software development cycle. This paper
                  explores these issues and our experiences
                  overcoming them.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/773.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 11 Nov 2010.
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