
AADL for Cyber-Physical Systems: Semantics and beyond, validate what's next
Jerome Hugues

Jerome Hugues. "AADL for Cyber-Physical Systems: Semantics and beyond, validate what's next". Talk or presentation, 19, April, 2011.

The SAE Architecture Analysis and Design Language is a design-by-committee standard promoted to help the space and avionics domain. It now extends to a much broader audience, and this language is used in many domains related to Cyber-Physical Systems. AADL is an ADL promoted in the context of Model-Driven Engineering which has now gained a significant momentum in the industry. Models are a valuable asset that should be used and preserved down to the construction of the final system; modeling time and effort should be reduced to focus directly on the system and its realization. Yet, validation&verification may require many different analysis models, involving a strong theoretical background to be mastered. The SAE AADL has been defined to match the concepts understood by any engineer (interface, software or hardware components, packages, generics). From these concepts, typical behavior elements (scheduling and dispatch, communication mechanisms) have been added using both formal and informal description, always bound to theoretical frameworks for V&V. In parallel, the AADL allows one to attach user-defined properties or languages for specific analysis. This enables the application of many different techniques for the analysis of AADL models, among which schedulability, safety, security, fault-propagation, model-checking, resource dimensioning, etc.; but also code generation. In this talk, we give an overview of the AADL, and discuss how to use its features to analyse in depth a CPS case study.

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    Jerome Hugues. <a
    ><i>AADL for Cyber-Physical Systems: Semantics  and
    beyond, validate what's next</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  19, April, 2011.
  • Plain text
    Jerome Hugues. "AADL for Cyber-Physical Systems:
    Semantics  and beyond, validate what's next". Talk or
    presentation,  19, April, 2011.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jerome Hugues},
        title = {AADL for Cyber-Physical Systems: Semantics  and
                  beyond, validate what's next},
        day = {19},
        month = {April},
        year = {2011},
        abstract = {The SAE Architecture Analysis and Design Language
                  is a design-by-committee standard promoted to help
                  the space and avionics domain. It now extends to a
                  much broader audience, and this language is used
                  in many domains related to Cyber-Physical Systems.
                  AADL is an ADL promoted in the context of
                  Model-Driven Engineering which has now gained a
                  significant momentum in the industry. Models are a
                  valuable asset that should be used and preserved
                  down to the construction of the final system;
                  modeling time and effort should be reduced to
                  focus directly on the system and its realization.
                  Yet, validation\&verification may require many
                  different analysis models, involving a strong
                  theoretical background to be mastered. The SAE
                  AADL has been defined to match the concepts
                  understood by any engineer (interface, software or
                  hardware components, packages, generics). From
                  these concepts, typical behavior elements
                  (scheduling and dispatch, communication
                  mechanisms) have been added using both formal and
                  informal description, always bound to theoretical
                  frameworks for V\&V. In parallel, the AADL allows
                  one to attach user-defined properties or languages
                  for specific analysis. This enables the
                  application of many different techniques for the
                  analysis of AADL models, among which
                  schedulability, safety, security,
                  fault-propagation, model-checking, resource
                  dimensioning, etc.; but also code generation. In
                  this talk, we give an overview of the AADL, and
                  discuss how to use its features to analyse in
                  depth a CPS case study.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/836.html}

Posted by Jan Reineke on 26 Apr 2011.
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