
A Template for Predictability Definitions with Supporting Evidence
Daniel Grund, Jan Reineke, Reinhard Wilhelm

Daniel Grund, Jan Reineke, Reinhard Wilhelm. "A Template for Predictability Definitions with Supporting Evidence". Bringing Theory to Practice: Predictability and Performance in Embedded Systems, Philipp Lucas, Lothar Thiele, Benoit Triquet, Theo Ungerer, Reinhard Wilhelm (eds.), Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 22-31, March, 2011.

In real-time systems, timing behavior is as important as functional behavior. Modern architectures turn verification of timing aspects into a nightmare, due to their "unpredictability". Recently, various efforts have been undertaken to engineer more predictable architectures. Such efforts should be based on a clear understanding of predictability. We discuss key aspects of and propose a template for predictability definitions. To investigate the utility of our proposal, we examine above efforts and try to cast them as instances of our template.

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  • HTML
    Daniel Grund, Jan Reineke, Reinhard Wilhelm. <a
    >A Template for Predictability Definitions with
    Supporting Evidence</a>, Bringing Theory to Practice:
    Predictability and Performance in Embedded Systems, Philipp
    Lucas, Lothar Thiele, Benoit Triquet, Theo Ungerer, Reinhard
    Wilhelm (eds.), Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer
    Informatik, 22-31, March, 2011.
  • Plain text
    Daniel Grund, Jan Reineke, Reinhard Wilhelm. "A
    Template for Predictability Definitions with Supporting
    Evidence". Bringing Theory to Practice: Predictability
    and Performance in Embedded Systems, Philipp Lucas, Lothar
    Thiele, Benoit Triquet, Theo Ungerer, Reinhard Wilhelm
    (eds.), Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik,
    22-31, March, 2011.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Daniel Grund and Jan Reineke and Reinhard Wilhelm},
        title = {A Template for Predictability Definitions with
                  Supporting Evidence},
        booktitle = {Bringing Theory to Practice: Predictability and
                  Performance in Embedded Systems},
        editor = {Philipp Lucas, Lothar Thiele, Benoit Triquet, Theo
                  Ungerer, Reinhard Wilhelm},
        organization = {Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik},
        pages = {22-31},
        month = {March},
        year = {2011},
        abstract = {In real-time systems, timing behavior is as
                  important as functional behavior. Modern
                  architectures turn verification of timing aspects
                  into a nightmare, due to their "unpredictability".
                  Recently, various efforts have been undertaken to
                  engineer more predictable architectures. Such
                  efforts should be based on a clear understanding
                  of predictability. We discuss key aspects of and
                  propose a template for predictability definitions.
                  To investigate the utility of our proposal, we
                  examine above efforts and try to cast them as
                  instances of our template.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/846.html}

Posted by Jan Reineke on 9 Jul 2011.
Groups: chess
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