
Automotive engine hybrid modelling and control for reduction of hydrocarbon emissions
Pannag R Sanketi, Carlos Zavala, Karl Hedrick

Pannag R Sanketi, Carlos Zavala, Karl Hedrick. "Automotive engine hybrid modelling and control for reduction of hydrocarbon emissions". International Journal of Control, 79(5):449-464, May 2006.

Automotive engine models vary in their complexity depending on the intended application. Pre-prototype performance prediction models can be very complex in order to make accurate predictions. Controller design models need to be as simple as possible since model-based controllers must operate in real time. This paper develops hybrid models for engine control that incorporate time and events in their formulation. The resulting hybrid controllers have the capability of switching between two alternative control modes. The first mode is designed to reduce the raw hydrocarbon (HC) emissions while the second mode tries to increase the temperature of the catalytic converter as rapidly as possible during the initial transient or ??cold start?? period. Reachability, as a tool for system analysis, is used to verify the properties of the closed loop system.

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  • HTML
    Pannag R Sanketi, Carlos Zavala, Karl Hedrick. <a
    >Automotive engine hybrid modelling and control for
    reduction of hydrocarbon emissions</a>,
    <i>International Journal of Control</i>,
    79(5):449-464, May 2006.
  • Plain text
    Pannag R Sanketi, Carlos Zavala, Karl Hedrick.
    "Automotive engine hybrid modelling and control for
    reduction of hydrocarbon emissions".
    <i>International Journal of Control</i>,
    79(5):449-464, May 2006.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Pannag R Sanketi and Carlos Zavala and Karl Hedrick},
        title = {Automotive engine hybrid modelling and control for
                  reduction of hydrocarbon emissions},
        journal = {International Journal of Control},
        volume = {79},
        number = {5},
        pages = {449-464},
        month = {May},
        year = {2006},
        abstract = {Automotive engine models vary in their complexity
                  depending on the intended application.
                  Pre-prototype performance prediction models can be
                  very complex in order to make accurate
                  predictions. Controller design models need to be
                  as simple as possible since model-based
                  controllers must operate in real time. This paper
                  develops hybrid models for engine control that
                  incorporate time and events in their formulation.
                  The resulting hybrid controllers have the
                  capability of switching between two alternative
                  control modes. The first mode is designed to
                  reduce the raw hydrocarbon (HC) emissions while
                  the second mode tries to increase the temperature
                  of the catalytic converter as rapidly as possible
                  during the initial transient or ??cold start??
                  period. Reachability, as a tool for system
                  analysis, is used to verify the properties of the
                  closed loop system. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/85.html}

Posted by Pannag R Sanketi on 11 May 2006.
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