
The Role of Project Management (PM) in Academic Information Technology (IT)
Christopher Brooks

Christopher Brooks. "The Role of Project Management (PM) in Academic Information Technology (IT)". Talk or presentation, 16, February, 2012; Presented at the College of Engineering IT Meeting, University of California, Berkeley.

Project Management (PM) has a history of successes and failures. Traditional Project Management according to the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBoK) gives us a framework for useful tools like charters, work breakdown structures and schedules. Methodologies like waterfall have evolved into iterative and adaptive methodologies like Agile. Scrum is a framework for addressing "complex adaptive problems" that is getting a lot of press these days. No one methodology, tool or technique will solve all problems, but being aware of the roots of Project Management and of advances in PM could save us all time, money, pain and suffering in academic Information Technology.

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  • HTML
    Christopher Brooks. <a
    ><i>The Role of Project Management (PM) in Academic
    Information Technology (IT)</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  16, February, 2012; Presented at the College
    of Engineering IT Meeting, University of California,
  • Plain text
    Christopher Brooks. "The Role of Project Management
    (PM) in Academic Information Technology (IT)". Talk or
    presentation,  16, February, 2012; Presented at the College
    of Engineering IT Meeting, University of California,
  • BibTeX
        author = {Christopher Brooks},
        title = {The Role of Project Management (PM) in Academic
                  Information Technology (IT)},
        day = {16},
        month = {February},
        year = {2012},
        note = {Presented at the College of Engineering IT
                  Meeting, University of California, Berkeley},
        abstract = {Project Management (PM) has a history of successes
                  and failures. Traditional Project Management
                  according to the Project Management Book of
                  Knowledge (PMBoK) gives us a framework for useful
                  tools like charters, work breakdown structures and
                  schedules. Methodologies like waterfall have
                  evolved into iterative and adaptive methodologies
                  like Agile. Scrum is a framework for addressing
                  "complex adaptive problems" that is getting a lot
                  of press these days. No one methodology, tool or
                  technique will solve all problems, but being aware
                  of the roots of Project Management and of advances
                  in PM could save us all time, money, pain and
                  suffering in academic Information Technology. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/891.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 16 Feb 2012.
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