
Identifying Models of HVAC Systems Using Semiparametric Regression
Anil Aswani, Neal Master, Jay Taneja, Virginia Smith, Andrew Krioukov, David Culler, Claire Tomlin

Anil Aswani, Neal Master, Jay Taneja, Virginia Smith, Andrew Krioukov, David Culler, Claire Tomlin. "Identifying Models of HVAC Systems Using Semiparametric Regression". 2012 American Control Conference, 28, June, 2012.

Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems use a large amount of energy, and so they are an interesting area for efficiency improvements. The focus here is on the use of semiparametric regression to identify models, which are amenable to analysis and control system design, of HVAC systems. This paper briefly describes two testbeds that we have built on the Berkeley campus for modeling and efficient control of HVAC systems, and we use these testbeds as case studies for system identification. The main contribution of this work is that the use of semiparametric regression allows for the estimation of the heating load from occupancy, equipment, and solar heating using only temperature measurements. These estimates are important for building accurate models as well as designing efficient control schemes, and in our other work we have been able to achieve a reduction in energy consumption on a single room testbed using heating load estimation in conjunction with the learning-based model predictive control (LBMPC) technique. Furthermore, this framework is not restrictive to modeling nonlinear HVAC behavior, because we have been able to use this methodology to create hybrid system models that incorporate such nonlinearities.

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  • HTML
    Anil Aswani, Neal Master, Jay Taneja, Virginia Smith, Andrew
    Krioukov, David Culler, Claire Tomlin. <a
    >Identifying Models of HVAC Systems Using Semiparametric
    Regression</a>, 2012 American Control Conference, 28,
    June, 2012.
  • Plain text
    Anil Aswani, Neal Master, Jay Taneja, Virginia Smith, Andrew
    Krioukov, David Culler, Claire Tomlin. "Identifying
    Models of HVAC Systems Using Semiparametric
    Regression". 2012 American Control Conference, 28,
    June, 2012.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Anil Aswani and Neal Master and Jay Taneja and
                  Virginia Smith and Andrew Krioukov and David
                  Culler and Claire Tomlin},
        title = {Identifying Models of HVAC Systems Using
                  Semiparametric Regression},
        booktitle = {2012 American Control Conference},
        day = {28},
        month = {June},
        year = {2012},
        abstract = {Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC)
                  systems use a large amount of energy, and so they
                  are an interesting area for efficiency
                  improvements. The focus here is on the use of
                  semiparametric regression to identify models,
                  which are amenable to analysis and control system
                  design, of HVAC systems. This paper briefly
                  describes two testbeds that we have built on the
                  Berkeley campus for modeling and efficient control
                  of HVAC systems, and we use these testbeds as case
                  studies for system identification. The main
                  contribution of this work is that the use of
                  semiparametric regression allows for the
                  estimation of the heating load from occupancy,
                  equipment, and solar heating using only
                  temperature measurements. These estimates are
                  important for building accurate models as well as
                  designing efficient control schemes, and in our
                  other work we have been able to achieve a
                  reduction in energy consumption on a single room
                  testbed using heating load estimation in
                  conjunction with the learning-based model
                  predictive control (LBMPC) technique. Furthermore,
                  this framework is not restrictive to modeling
                  nonlinear HVAC behavior, because we have been able
                  to use this methodology to create hybrid system
                  models that incorporate such nonlinearities.},
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/904.html}

Posted by Christopher Brooks on 10 Apr 2012.
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