
Fast-Lipschitz Optimization
Carlo Fischione

Carlo Fischione. "Fast-Lipschitz Optimization". Talk or presentation, 11, September, 2012.

In many optimization problems, decision variables must be computed by algorithms that need to be fast, simple, and robust to errors and noises, both in a centralized and in a distributed set-up. This occurs, for example, in contract based design, sensors networks, smart grids, water distribution, and vehicular networks. In this seminar, a new simple optimization theory, named Fast-Lipschitz optimization, is presented for a novel class of both convex and non-convex scalar and multi-objective optimization problems that are pervasive in the systems mentioned above. Fast-Lipschitz optimization can be applied to both centralized and distributed optimization. Fast-Lipchitz optimization solvers exhibit a low computational and communication complexity when compared to existing solution methods. In particular, compared to traditional Lagrangian methods, which often converge linearly, the convergence time of centralized Fast-Lipschitz algorithms is superlinear. Distributed Fast-Lipschitz algorithms converge fast, as opposed to traditional Lagrangian decomposition and parallelization methods, which generally converge slowly and at the price of many message passings among the nodes. In both cases, the computational complexity is much lower than traditional Lagrangian methods. Fast-Lipschitz optimization is then illustrated by distributed estimation and detection applications in wireless sensor networks.

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    Carlo Fischione. <a
    Optimization</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  11,
    September, 2012.
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    Carlo Fischione. "Fast-Lipschitz Optimization".
    Talk or presentation,  11, September, 2012.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Carlo Fischione},
        title = {Fast-Lipschitz Optimization},
        day = {11},
        month = {September},
        year = {2012},
        abstract = {In many optimization problems, decision variables
                  must be computed by algorithms that need to be
                  fast, simple, and robust to errors and noises,
                  both in a centralized and in a distributed set-up.
                  This occurs, for example, in contract based
                  design, sensors networks, smart grids, water
                  distribution, and vehicular networks. In this
                  seminar, a new simple optimization theory, named
                  Fast-Lipschitz optimization, is presented for a
                  novel class of both convex and non-convex scalar
                  and multi-objective optimization problems that are
                  pervasive in the systems mentioned above.
                  Fast-Lipschitz optimization can be applied to both
                  centralized and distributed optimization.
                  Fast-Lipchitz optimization solvers exhibit a low
                  computational and communication complexity when
                  compared to existing solution methods. In
                  particular, compared to traditional Lagrangian
                  methods, which often converge linearly, the
                  convergence time of centralized Fast-Lipschitz
                  algorithms is superlinear. Distributed
                  Fast-Lipschitz algorithms converge fast, as
                  opposed to traditional Lagrangian decomposition
                  and parallelization methods, which generally
                  converge slowly and at the price of many message
                  passings among the nodes. In both cases, the
                  computational complexity is much lower than
                  traditional Lagrangian methods. Fast-Lipschitz
                  optimization is then illustrated by distributed
                  estimation and detection applications in wireless
                  sensor networks. },
        URL = {http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/pubs/935.html}

Posted by David Broman on 12 Sep 2012.
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