
Thales/CHESS Interactions
Group information  
Group name thales
Title Thales/CHESS Interactions
Summary Thales/CHESS Interactions
Description The thales group is for interactions between Thales and CHESS. The Thales/CHESS agreement was signed on March 30, 2009 and ended in May, 2013.

This project developed the Pthales model of computation which implements multidimensional dataflow, similar to what is in ArrayOL and Multidimensional Synchronous Dataflow.

A key publication for this effort is:
Rémi BARRERE, eric lenormand, Dai Bui, Edward A. Lee, Chris Shaver, Stavros Tripakis. An Introduction to the Pthales Domain of Ptolemy II, Technical report, EECS Department University of California, Berkeley, UCB/EECS-2011-32, April, 2011.

For access to the pthales domain, see http://chess.eecs.berkeley.edu/ptexternal.

Group type Software project Special interest group Administrative group
People involved in this group  
Administrators Christopher Brooks cxh cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu
Name hidden by user marys@eecs.berkeley.edu
Stavros Tripakis stavros stavros@eecs.berkeley.edu
Members Rémi BARRERE rbarrere
Christopher Brooks cxh cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu
Dai Bui buidai
Olivier DELANDE olivier.delande
Patricia Derler patricia.derler
Ali Koudri, Ph.D ali.koudri
Edward A. Lee eal
eric lenormand lenormand
Chris Shaver shaver shaver@eecs.berkeley.edu
Name hidden by user marys@eecs.berkeley.edu
Stavros Tripakis stavros stavros@eecs.berkeley.edu
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