Reducing Price Volatility via Stochastic Storage Control in Power Networks: A Cyber-Physical Solution to Risky Electricity Markets
Insoon Yang

Insoon Yang. "Reducing Price Volatility via Stochastic Storage Control in Power Networks: A Cyber-Physical Solution to Risky Electricity Markets". Talk or presentation, 5, November, 2015.

Electricity price volatility has been a significant concern for several market participants, including suppliers and load-serving entities, because risks imposed by price volatility increase uncertainty in their revenues. A large penetration of variable wind and solar generation is expected to further amplify price fluctuations. To reduce electricity price volatility, we propose a cyber-physical solution using energy storage, which has three major advantages. First, the proposed stochastic control approach optimally shifts energy over time and space (via physical transmission lines) by fully utilizing the distributional information of uncertain net demand. Second, the suggested storage operation by the System Operator does not interfere with currently used optimal economic dispatch rule in real-time markets and, hence, it is compatible with conventional electricity risk management tools. Third, the results of our numerical experiment show that only a small number of storage devices, which contribute little to saving generation costs, can considerably reduce price volatility. These results suggest that energy storage is particularly useful in mitigating price variations and that its value will stand underestimated if we neglect its utility in reducing price volatility. If time permits, we will discuss a new distributed operation of decentralized controllers, which is potentially attack-resilient.

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  • HTML
    Insoon Yang. <a
    ><i>Reducing Price Volatility via Stochastic
    Storage Control in Power Networks:  A Cyber-Physical
    Solution to Risky Electricity Markets</i></a>,
    Talk or presentation,  5, November, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Insoon Yang. "Reducing Price Volatility via Stochastic
    Storage Control in Power Networks:  A Cyber-Physical
    Solution to Risky Electricity Markets". Talk or
    presentation,  5, November, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Insoon Yang},
        title = {Reducing Price Volatility via Stochastic Storage
                  Control in Power Networks:  A Cyber-Physical
                  Solution to Risky Electricity Markets},
        day = {5},
        month = {November},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Electricity price volatility has been a
                  significant concern for several market
                  participants, including suppliers and load-serving
                  entities, because risks imposed by price
                  volatility increase uncertainty in their revenues.
                  A large penetration of variable wind and solar
                  generation is expected to further amplify price
                  fluctuations. To reduce electricity price
                  volatility, we propose a cyber-physical solution
                  using energy storage, which has three major
                  advantages. First, the proposed stochastic control
                  approach optimally shifts energy over time and
                  space (via physical transmission lines) by fully
                  utilizing the distributional information of
                  uncertain net demand. Second, the suggested
                  storage operation by the System Operator does not
                  interfere with currently used optimal economic
                  dispatch rule in real-time markets and, hence, it
                  is compatible with conventional electricity risk
                  management tools. Third, the results of our
                  numerical experiment show that only a small number
                  of storage devices, which contribute little to
                  saving generation costs, can considerably reduce
                  price volatility. These results suggest that
                  energy storage is particularly useful in
                  mitigating price variations and that its value
                  will stand underestimated if we neglect its
                  utility in reducing price volatility. If time
                  permits, we will discuss a new distributed
                  operation of decentralized controllers, which is
                  potentially attack-resilient.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 5 Nov 2015.
Groups: forces
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