Cyber-Physical System Software Security Analysis and Enhancement: A Case Study
Chao Zhang

Chao Zhang. "Cyber-Physical System Software Security Analysis and Enhancement: A Case Study". Talk or presentation, 5, November, 2015.

Cyber incidents burst from time to time, endangering end-users' security and privacy. For cyber physical systems, this threat is even critical, since the security of these systems directly affect human's safety and security. Real world incidents show that attackers are able to control these systems, e.g., smart vehicles, to threaten users' safety. The root cause of these incidents are vulnerabilities stemming from software design and implementation, which are inevitable due to program complexity and programmer error. We thus proposed several proactive program hardening solutions to harden vulnerable programs, protecting them from real world attacks. We have analyzed the security of a popular CPS development framework: OpenDavinci, from the aspect of attack surface, attack vector, vulnerabilities and possible exploits. We then evaluated our program hardening techniques on this framework. Results showed that our techniques have a good performance overhead on the system, and provide a very strong protection.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Chao Zhang. <a
    ><i>Cyber-Physical System Software Security
    Analysis and Enhancement: A Case Study</i></a>,
    Talk or presentation,  5, November, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Chao Zhang. "Cyber-Physical System Software Security
    Analysis and Enhancement: A Case Study". Talk or
    presentation,  5, November, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Chao Zhang},
        title = {Cyber-Physical System Software Security Analysis
                  and Enhancement: A Case Study},
        day = {5},
        month = {November},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Cyber incidents burst from time to time,
                  endangering end-users' security and privacy. For
                  cyber physical systems, this threat is even
                  critical, since the security of these systems
                  directly affect human's safety and security. Real
                  world incidents show that attackers are able to
                  control these systems, e.g., smart vehicles, to
                  threaten users' safety. The root cause of these
                  incidents are vulnerabilities stemming from
                  software design and implementation, which are
                  inevitable due to program complexity and
                  programmer error. We thus proposed several
                  proactive program hardening solutions to harden
                  vulnerable programs, protecting them from real
                  world attacks. We have analyzed the security of a
                  popular CPS development framework: OpenDavinci,
                  from the aspect of attack surface, attack vector,
                  vulnerabilities and possible exploits. We then
                  evaluated our program hardening techniques on this
                  framework. Results showed that our techniques have
                  a good performance overhead on the system, and
                  provide a very strong protection.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 5 Nov 2015.
Groups: forces
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