Security Assessment of Electricity Distribution Networks under DER Node Compromises
Devendra Shelar

Devendra Shelar. "Security Assessment of Electricity Distribution Networks under DER Node Compromises". Talk or presentation, 5, November, 2015.

This talk focuses on the security assessment of electricity distribution networks (DNs) with vulnerable distributed energy resource (DER) nodes. The adversary model is simulta- neous compromise of DER nodes by strategic manipulation of generation set-points. The loss to the defender (DN operator) includes loss of voltage regulation and cost of induced load control under supply-demand mismatch caused by the attack. A 3-stage Defender-Attacker-Defender (DAD) game is formulated: in Stage 1, the defender chooses a security strategy to secure a subset of DER nodes; in Stage 2, the attacker compromises a set of vulnerable DERs and injects false generation set-points; in Stage 3, the defender responds by controlling loads and uncompromised DERs. Solving this trilevel optimization problem is hard due to nonlinear power flows and mixed-integer decision variables. To address this challenge, the problem is approximated by tractable formulations based on linear power flows. The set of critical DER nodes and the set-point manipulations characterizing the optimal attack strategy are characterized. An iterative greedy approach to compute attacker-defender strategies for the original nonlinear problem is proposed. These results provide guidelines for optimal security investment and defender response in pre- and post-attack conditions, respectively.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Devendra Shelar. <a
    ><i>Security Assessment of Electricity Distribution
    Networks under DER Node Compromises</i></a>,
    Talk or presentation,  5, November, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Devendra Shelar. "Security Assessment of Electricity
    Distribution Networks under DER Node Compromises". Talk
    or presentation,  5, November, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Devendra Shelar},
        title = {Security Assessment of Electricity Distribution
                  Networks under DER Node Compromises},
        day = {5},
        month = {November},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {This talk focuses on the security assessment of
                  electricity distribution networks (DNs) with
                  vulnerable distributed energy resource (DER)
                  nodes. The adversary model is simulta- neous
                  compromise of DER nodes by strategic manipulation
                  of generation set-points. The loss to the defender
                  (DN operator) includes loss of voltage regulation
                  and cost of induced load control under
                  supply-demand mismatch caused by the attack. A
                  3-stage Defender-Attacker-Defender (DAD) game is
                  formulated: in Stage 1, the defender chooses a
                  security strategy to secure a subset of DER nodes;
                  in Stage 2, the attacker compromises a set of
                  vulnerable DERs and injects false generation
                  set-points; in Stage 3, the defender responds by
                  controlling loads and uncompromised DERs. Solving
                  this trilevel optimization problem is hard due to
                  nonlinear power flows and mixed-integer decision
                  variables. To address this challenge, the problem
                  is approximated by tractable formulations based on
                  linear power flows. The set of critical DER nodes
                  and the set-point manipulations characterizing the
                  optimal attack strategy are characterized. An
                  iterative greedy approach to compute
                  attacker-defender strategies for the original
                  nonlinear problem is proposed. These results
                  provide guidelines for optimal security investment
                  and defender response in pre- and post-attack
                  conditions, respectively.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 5 Nov 2015.
Groups: forces
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