FlipThem: Modeling Targeted Attacks with FlipIt for Multiple Resources
Aron Laszka, Gabor Horvath, Mark Felegyhazi, Levente Buttyan

Aron Laszka, Gabor Horvath, Mark Felegyhazi, Levente Buttyan. "FlipThem: Modeling Targeted Attacks with FlipIt for Multiple Resources". 5th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), November, 2014.

Recent high-profile targeted attacks showed that even the most secure and secluded networks can be compromised by motivated and resourceful attackers, and that such a system compromise may not be immediately detected by the system owner. Researchers at RSA proposed the FlipIt game to study the impact of such stealthy takeovers. In the basic FlipIt game, an attacker and a defender fight over a single resource; in practice, however, systems typically consist of multiple resources that can be targeted. In this paper, we present FlipThem, a generalization of FlipIt to multiple resources. To formulate the players' goals and study their best strategies, we introduce two control models: in the AND model, the attacker has to compromise all resources in order to take over the entire system, while in the OR model, she has to compromise only one. Our analytical and numerical results provide practical recommendations for defenders.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Aron Laszka, Gabor Horvath, Mark Felegyhazi, Levente
    Buttyan. <a
    >FlipThem: Modeling Targeted Attacks with FlipIt for
    Multiple Resources</a>, 5th Conference on Decision and
    Game Theory for Security (GameSec), November, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Aron Laszka, Gabor Horvath, Mark Felegyhazi, Levente
    Buttyan. "FlipThem: Modeling Targeted Attacks with
    FlipIt for Multiple Resources". 5th Conference on
    Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec), November,
  • BibTeX
        author = {Aron Laszka and Gabor Horvath and Mark Felegyhazi
                  and Levente Buttyan},
        title = {FlipThem: Modeling Targeted Attacks with FlipIt
                  for Multiple Resources},
        booktitle = {5th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for
                  Security (GameSec)},
        month = {November},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {Recent high-profile targeted attacks showed that
                  even the most secure and secluded networks can be
                  compromised by motivated and resourceful
                  attackers, and that such a system compromise may
                  not be immediately detected by the system owner.
                  Researchers at RSA proposed the FlipIt game to
                  study the impact of such stealthy takeovers. In
                  the basic FlipIt game, an attacker and a defender
                  fight over a single resource; in practice,
                  however, systems typically consist of multiple
                  resources that can be targeted. In this paper, we
                  present FlipThem, a generalization of FlipIt to
                  multiple resources. To formulate the players'
                  goals and study their best strategies, we
                  introduce two control models: in the AND model,
                  the attacker has to compromise all resources in
                  order to take over the entire system, while in the
                  OR model, she has to compromise only one. Our
                  analytical and numerical results provide practical
                  recommendations for defenders.},
        URL = {http://cps-forces.org/pubs/125.html}

Posted by Aron Laszka on 15 Mar 2016.
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