Control of tree water networks: A geometric programming approach
Lina Sela, Saurabh Amin

Lina Sela, Saurabh Amin. "Control of tree water networks: A geometric programming approach". Water Resources Research, 51:8409-8430, September 2016.

This paper presents a modeling and operation approach for tree water supply systems. The network control problem is approximated as a geometric programming (GP) problem. The original nonlinear nonconvex network control problem is transformed into a convex optimization problem. The optimization model can be efficiently solved to optimality using state-of-the-art solvers. Two control schemes are presented: (1) operation of network actuators (pumps and valves) and (2) controlled demand shedding allocation between network consumers with limited resources. The dual of the network control problem is formulated and is used to perform sensitivity analysis with respect to hydraulic constraints. The approach is demonstrated on a small branched-topology network and later extended to a medium-size irrigation network. The results demonstrate an intrinsic trade-off between energy costs and demand shedding policy, providing an efficient decision support tool for active management of water systems.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Lina Sela, Saurabh Amin. <a
    >Control of tree water networks: A geometric programming
    approach</a>, <i>Water Resources
    Research</i>, 51:8409-8430, September 2016.
  • Plain text
    Lina Sela, Saurabh Amin. "Control of tree water
    networks: A geometric programming approach".
    <i>Water Resources Research</i>, 51:8409-8430,
    September 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Lina Sela and Saurabh Amin},
        title = {Control of tree water networks: A geometric
                  programming approach},
        journal = {Water Resources Research},
        volume = {51},
        pages = {8409-8430},
        month = {September},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {This paper presents a modeling and operation
                  approach for tree water supply systems. The
                  network control problem is approximated as a
                  geometric programming (GP) problem. The original
                  nonlinear nonconvex network control problem is
                  transformed into a convex optimization problem.
                  The optimization model can be efficiently solved
                  to optimality using state-of-the-art solvers. Two
                  control schemes are presented: (1) operation of
                  network actuators (pumps and valves) and (2)
                  controlled demand shedding allocation between
                  network consumers with limited resources. The dual
                  of the network control problem is formulated and
                  is used to perform sensitivity analysis with
                  respect to hydraulic constraints. The approach is
                  demonstrated on a small branched-topology network
                  and later extended to a medium-size irrigation
                  network. The results demonstrate an intrinsic
                  trade-off between energy costs and demand shedding
                  policy, providing an efficient decision support
                  tool for active management of water systems.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Saurabh Amin on 15 Apr 2016.
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