Integrated Control of Airport and Terminal Airspace Operations
Harshad Khadilkar, Hamsa Balakrishnan

Harshad Khadilkar, Hamsa Balakrishnan. "Integrated Control of Airport and Terminal Airspace Operations". IEEE TCST, 2015.

Airports are the most resource-constrained components of the air transportation system. This paper addresses the problems of increased flight delays and aircraft fuel consumption through the integrated control of airport arrival and departure operations. Departure operations are modeled using a network abstraction of the airport surface. Published arrival routes to airports are synthesized in order to form a realistic model of arrival airspace. The proposed control framework calculates the optimal times of departure of aircraft from the gates, as a function of the arrival and departure traffic as well as airport characteristics such as taxiway layout and gate capacity. The integrated control formulation is solved using dynamic programming, which allows calculation of policies for real-time implementation. The advantages of the proposed methodology are illustrated using simulations of Boston's Logan International Airport

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  • HTML
    Harshad Khadilkar, Hamsa Balakrishnan. <a
    >Integrated Control of Airport and Terminal Airspace
    Operations</a>, <i>IEEE TCST</i>,  2015.
  • Plain text
    Harshad Khadilkar, Hamsa Balakrishnan. "Integrated
    Control of Airport and Terminal Airspace Operations".
    <i>IEEE TCST</i>,  2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Harshad Khadilkar and Hamsa Balakrishnan},
        title = {Integrated Control of Airport and Terminal
                  Airspace Operations},
        journal = {IEEE TCST},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Airports are the most resource-constrained
                  components of the air transportation system. This
                  paper addresses the problems of increased flight
                  delays and aircraft fuel consumption through the
                  integrated control of airport arrival and
                  departure operations. Departure operations are
                  modeled using a network abstraction of the airport
                  surface. Published arrival routes to airports are
                  synthesized in order to form a realistic model of
                  arrival airspace. The proposed control framework
                  calculates the optimal times of departure of
                  aircraft from the gates, as a function of the
                  arrival and departure traffic as well as airport
                  characteristics such as taxiway layout and gate
                  capacity. The integrated control formulation is
                  solved using dynamic programming, which allows
                  calculation of policies for real-time
                  implementation. The advantages of the proposed
                  methodology are illustrated using simulations of
                  Boston's Logan International Airport},
        URL = {}

Posted by Saurabh Amin on 16 Apr 2016.
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