Multi-Dimensional Forward Contracts under Uncertainty for Electricity Markets
Hamidreza Tavafoghi, Demos Teneketzis

Hamidreza Tavafoghi, Demos Teneketzis. "Multi-Dimensional Forward Contracts under Uncertainty for Electricity Markets". IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2016.

We consider mechanism design problems for strategic agents with multi-dimensional private information and uncertainty in their utility/cost function. We show that the optimal mechanism with firm allocation can be implemented as a nonlinear pricing scheme, and the optimal mechanism with random allocation can be implemented as a menu of nonlinear pricing schemes.We provide two examples to demonstrate the results: an optimal energy procurement mechanism from a strategic seller with renewable (random) generation, and the design of an optimal demand response program for a network of heterogeneous loads.

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  • HTML
    Hamidreza Tavafoghi, Demos Teneketzis. <a
    >Multi-Dimensional Forward Contracts under Uncertainty
    for Electricity Markets</a>, <i>IEEE
    Transactions on Control of Network Systems</i>,  2016.
  • Plain text
    Hamidreza Tavafoghi, Demos Teneketzis.
    "Multi-Dimensional Forward Contracts under Uncertainty
    for Electricity Markets". <i>IEEE Transactions on
    Control of Network Systems</i>,  2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Hamidreza Tavafoghi and Demos Teneketzis},
        title = {Multi-Dimensional Forward Contracts under
                  Uncertainty for Electricity Markets},
        journal = {IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {We consider mechanism design problems for
                  strategic agents with multi-dimensional private
                  information and uncertainty in their utility/cost
                  function. We show that the optimal mechanism with
                  firm allocation can be implemented as a nonlinear
                  pricing scheme, and the optimal mechanism with
                  random allocation can be implemented as a menu of
                  nonlinear pricing schemes.We provide two examples
                  to demonstrate the results: an optimal energy
                  procurement mechanism from a strategic seller with
                  renewable (random) generation, and the design of
                  an optimal demand response program for a network
                  of heterogeneous loads.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Hamidreza Tavafoghi on 23 May 2016.
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