A Supervisory Control Approach to Dynamic Cyber-Security
Mohammad Rasouli, Erik Miehling, Demos Teneketzis

Mohammad Rasouli, Erik Miehling, Demos Teneketzis. "A Supervisory Control Approach to Dynamic Cyber-Security". IEEE GameSec 2014, 2014.

An analytical approach for a dynamic cyber-security problem that captures progressive attacks to a computer network is presented. We formulate the dynamic security problem from the defender’s point of view as a supervisory control problem with imperfect information, modeling the computer network’s operation by a discrete event system. We consider a min-max performance criterion and use dynamic programming to determine, within a restricted set of policies, an optimal policy for the defender. We study and interpret the behavior of this optimal policy as we vary certain parameters of the supervisory control problem.

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  • HTML
    Mohammad Rasouli, Erik Miehling, Demos Teneketzis. <a
    >A Supervisory Control Approach to Dynamic
    Cyber-Security</a>, IEEE GameSec 2014, 2014.
  • Plain text
    Mohammad Rasouli, Erik Miehling, Demos Teneketzis. "A
    Supervisory Control Approach to Dynamic
    Cyber-Security". IEEE GameSec 2014, 2014.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Mohammad Rasouli and Erik Miehling and Demos
        title = {A Supervisory Control Approach to Dynamic
        booktitle = {IEEE GameSec 2014},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {An analytical approach for a dynamic
                  cyber-security problem that captures progressive
                  attacks to a computer network is presented. We
                  formulate the dynamic security problem from the
                  defender’s point of view as a supervisory
                  control problem with imperfect information,
                  modeling the computer network’s operation by a
                  discrete event system. We consider a min-max
                  performance criterion and use dynamic programming
                  to determine, within a restricted set of policies,
                  an optimal policy for the defender. We study and
                  interpret the behavior of this optimal policy as
                  we vary certain parameters of the supervisory
                  control problem. },
        URL = {http://cps-forces.org/pubs/158.html}

Posted by Mohammad Rasouli on 24 May 2016.
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