Generalized Line Loss Relaxation in Polar Voltage Coordinates
Jonathon Martin, Ian Hiskens

Jonathon Martin, Ian Hiskens. "Generalized Line Loss Relaxation in Polar Voltage Coordinates". IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017.

It is common for power system behavior to be expressed in terms of polar voltage coordinates. When applied in optimization settings, loss formulations in polar voltage coordinates typically assume that voltage magnitudes are fixed. In reality, voltage magnitudes vary and may have an appreciable effect on losses. This paper proposes a systematic approach to incorporating the effects of voltage magnitude changes into a linear relaxation of the losses on a transmission line. This approach affords greater accuracy when describing losses around a base voltage condition as compared to previous linear and piecewise linear methods. It also better captures the true behavior of losses at conditions away from the flat voltage profile.

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  • HTML
    Jonathon Martin, Ian Hiskens. <a
    >Generalized Line Loss Relaxation in Polar Voltage
    Coordinates</a>, <i>IEEE Transactions on Power
    Systems</i>,  2017.
  • Plain text
    Jonathon Martin, Ian Hiskens. "Generalized Line Loss
    Relaxation in Polar Voltage Coordinates". <i>IEEE
    Transactions on Power Systems</i>,  2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jonathon Martin and Ian Hiskens},
        title = {Generalized Line Loss Relaxation in Polar Voltage
        journal = {IEEE Transactions on Power Systems},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {It is common for power system behavior to be
                  expressed in terms of polar voltage coordinates.
                  When applied in optimization settings, loss
                  formulations in polar voltage coordinates
                  typically assume that voltage magnitudes are
                  fixed. In reality, voltage magnitudes vary and may
                  have an appreciable effect on losses. This paper
                  proposes a systematic approach to incorporating
                  the effects of voltage magnitude changes into a
                  linear relaxation of the losses on a transmission
                  line. This approach affords greater accuracy when
                  describing losses around a base voltage condition
                  as compared to previous linear and piecewise
                  linear methods. It also better captures the true
                  behavior of losses at conditions away from the
                  flat voltage profile.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Ian Hiskens on 28 Feb 2017.
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