Solving Multiperiod OPF Problems using an AC-QP Algorithm Initialized with an SOCP Relaxation
Jennifer Marley, Daniel Molzahn, Ian Hiskens

Jennifer Marley, Daniel Molzahn, Ian Hiskens. "Solving Multiperiod OPF Problems using an AC-QP Algorithm Initialized with an SOCP Relaxation". IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017.

Renewable generation and energy storage are playing an ever increasing role in power systems. Hence, there is a growing need for integrating these resources into the optimal power flow (OPF) problem. While storage devices are important for mitigating renewable variability, they introduce temporal coupling in the OPF constraints, resulting in a multiperiod OPF formulation. This paper explores a solution method for multiperiod AC OPF that combines a successive quadratic programming approach (AC-QP) with a second-order cone programming (SOCP) relaxation of the OPF problem. The SOCP relaxation’s solution is used to initialize the AC-QP OPF algorithm. Additionally, the lower bound on the objective value obtained from the SOCP relaxation provides a measure of solution quality. This combined method is demonstrated on several test cases with up to 4259 nodes and a time horizon of 8 time steps. A comparison of initialization schemes indicates that the SOCP-based approach offers improved convergence rate, execution time and solution quality.

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  • HTML
    Jennifer Marley, Daniel Molzahn, Ian Hiskens. <a
    >Solving Multiperiod OPF Problems using an AC-QP
    Algorithm Initialized with an SOCP Relaxation</a>,
    <i>IEEE Transactions on Power Systems</i>,  2017.
  • Plain text
    Jennifer Marley, Daniel Molzahn, Ian Hiskens. "Solving
    Multiperiod OPF Problems using an AC-QP Algorithm
    Initialized with an SOCP Relaxation". <i>IEEE
    Transactions on Power Systems</i>,  2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jennifer Marley and Daniel Molzahn and Ian Hiskens},
        title = {Solving Multiperiod OPF Problems using an AC-QP
                  Algorithm Initialized with an SOCP Relaxation},
        journal = {IEEE Transactions on Power Systems},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {Renewable generation and energy storage are
                  playing an ever increasing role in power systems.
                  Hence, there is a growing need for integrating
                  these resources into the optimal power flow (OPF)
                  problem. While storage devices are important for
                  mitigating renewable variability, they introduce
                  temporal coupling in the OPF constraints,
                  resulting in a multiperiod OPF formulation. This
                  paper explores a solution method for multiperiod
                  AC OPF that combines a successive quadratic
                  programming approach (AC-QP) with a second-order
                  cone programming (SOCP) relaxation of the OPF
                  problem. The SOCP relaxation’s solution is used
                  to initialize the AC-QP OPF algorithm.
                  Additionally, the lower bound on the objective
                  value obtained from the SOCP relaxation provides a
                  measure of solution quality. This combined method
                  is demonstrated on several test cases with up to
                  4259 nodes and a time horizon of 8 time steps. A
                  comparison of initialization schemes indicates
                  that the SOCP-based approach offers improved
                  convergence rate, execution time and solution
        URL = {}

Posted by Ian Hiskens on 28 Feb 2017.
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