Optimal Thresholds for Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection in Dynamical Environments
Amin Ghafouri, Waseem Abbas, Aron Laszka, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Xenofon Koutsoukos

Amin Ghafouri, Waseem Abbas, Aron Laszka, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Xenofon Koutsoukos. "Optimal Thresholds for Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection in Dynamical Environments". 2016 Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec 2016), November, 2016.

In recent years, we have seen a number of successful attacks against high-profile targets, some of which have even caused severe physical damage. These examples have shown us that resourceful and determined attackers can penetrate virtually any system, even those that are secured by the "air-gap." Consequently, in order to minimize the impact of stealthy attacks, defenders have to focus not only on strengthening the first lines of defense but also on deploying effective intrusion-detection systems. Intrusion-detection systems can play a key role in protecting sensitive computer systems since they give defenders a chance to detect and mitigate attacks before they could cause substantial losses. However, an over-sensitive intrusion-detection system, which produces a large number of false alarms, imposes prohibitively high operational costs on a defender since alarms need to be manually investigated. Thus, defenders have to strike the right balance between maximizing security and minimizing costs. Optimizing the sensitivity of intrusion detection systems is especially challenging in the case when multiple inter-dependent computer systems have to be defended against a strategic attacker, who can target computer systems in order to maximize losses and minimize the probability of detection. We model this scenario as an attacker-defender security game and study the problem of finding optimal intrusion detection thresholds.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Amin Ghafouri, Waseem Abbas, Aron Laszka, Yevgeniy
    Vorobeychik, Xenofon Koutsoukos. <a
    >Optimal Thresholds for Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection
    in Dynamical Environments</a>, 2016 Conference on
    Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec 2016),
    November, 2016.
  • Plain text
    Amin Ghafouri, Waseem Abbas, Aron Laszka, Yevgeniy
    Vorobeychik, Xenofon Koutsoukos. "Optimal Thresholds
    for Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection in Dynamical
    Environments". 2016 Conference on Decision and Game
    Theory for Security (GameSec 2016), November, 2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Amin Ghafouri and Waseem Abbas and Aron Laszka and
                  Yevgeniy Vorobeychik and Xenofon Koutsoukos},
        title = {Optimal Thresholds for Anomaly-Based Intrusion
                  Detection in Dynamical Environments},
        booktitle = {2016 Conference on Decision and Game Theory for
                  Security (GameSec 2016)},
        month = {November},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {In recent years, we have seen a number of
                  successful attacks against high-profile targets,
                  some of which have even caused severe physical
                  damage. These examples have shown us that
                  resourceful and determined attackers can penetrate
                  virtually any system, even those that are secured
                  by the "air-gap." Consequently, in order to
                  minimize the impact of stealthy attacks, defenders
                  have to focus not only on strengthening the first
                  lines of defense but also on deploying effective
                  intrusion-detection systems. Intrusion-detection
                  systems can play a key role in protecting
                  sensitive computer systems since they give
                  defenders a chance to detect and mitigate attacks
                  before they could cause substantial losses.
                  However, an over-sensitive intrusion-detection
                  system, which produces a large number of false
                  alarms, imposes prohibitively high operational
                  costs on a defender since alarms need to be
                  manually investigated. Thus, defenders have to
                  strike the right balance between maximizing
                  security and minimizing costs. Optimizing the
                  sensitivity of intrusion detection systems is
                  especially challenging in the case when multiple
                  inter-dependent computer systems have to be
                  defended against a strategic attacker, who can
                  target computer systems in order to maximize
                  losses and minimize the probability of detection.
                  We model this scenario as an attacker-defender
                  security game and study the problem of finding
                  optimal intrusion detection thresholds.},
        URL = {http://cps-forces.org/pubs/234.html}

Posted by Waseem Abbas on 2 Mar 2017.
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