Synergic Security for Smart Water Networks: Redundancy, Diversity, and Hardening
Aron Laszka, Waseem Abbas, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Xenofon Koutsoukos

Aron Laszka, Waseem Abbas, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Xenofon Koutsoukos. "Synergic Security for Smart Water Networks: Redundancy, Diversity, and Hardening". 3rd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks (CySWater 2017), April, 2017.

Smart water networks can provide great bene€ts to our society in terms of eciency and sustainability. However, smart capabilities and connectivity also expose these systems to a wide range of cyber aŠacks, which enable cyber-terrorists and hostile nation states to mount cyber-physical aŠacks. Cyber-physical aŠacks against critical infrastructure, such as water treatment and distribution systems, pose a serious threat to public safety and health. Consequently, it is imperative that we improve the resilience of smart water networks. We consider three approaches for improving resilience: redundancy, diversity, and hardening. Even though each one of these “canonical” approaches has been throughly studied in prior work, a uni€ed theory on how to combine them in the most ecient way has not yet been established. In this paper, we address this problem by studying the synergy of these approaches in the context of protecting smart water networks from cyber-physical contamination aŠacks.

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  • HTML
    Aron Laszka, Waseem Abbas, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Xenofon
    Koutsoukos. <a
    >Synergic Security for Smart Water Networks: Redundancy,
    Diversity, and Hardening</a>, 3rd International
    Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks
    (CySWater 2017), April, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Aron Laszka, Waseem Abbas, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Xenofon
    Koutsoukos. "Synergic Security for Smart Water
    Networks: Redundancy, Diversity, and Hardening". 3rd
    International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart
    Water Networks (CySWater 2017), April, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Aron Laszka and Waseem Abbas and Yevgeniy
                  Vorobeychik and Xenofon Koutsoukos},
        title = {Synergic Security for Smart Water Networks:
                  Redundancy, Diversity, and Hardening},
        booktitle = {3rd International Workshop on Cyber-Physical
                  Systems for Smart Water Networks (CySWater 2017)},
        month = {April},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {Smart water networks can provide great beneÂts to
                  our society in terms of eÂciency and
                  sustainability. However, smart capabilities and
                  connectivity also expose these systems to a wide
                  range of cyber aÂacks, which enable
                  cyber-terrorists and hostile nation states to
                  mount cyber-physical aÂacks. Cyber-physical
                  aÂacks against critical infrastructure, such as
                  water treatment and distribution systems, pose a
                  serious threat to public safety and health.
                  Consequently, it is imperative that we improve the
                  resilience of smart water networks. We consider
                  three approaches for improving resilience:
                  redundancy, diversity, and hardening. Even though
                  each one of these âcanonicalâ approaches has
                  been throughly studied in prior work, a uniÂed
                  theory on how to combine them in the most eÂcient
                  way has not yet been established. In this paper,
                  we address this problem by studying the synergy of
                  these approaches in the context of protecting
                  smart water networks from cyber-physical
                  contamination aÂacks.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Waseem Abbas on 2 Mar 2017.
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