Achieving resilience in distributed software systems via self-reconfiguration
Subhav Pradhan, Abhishek Dubey, Tihamer Levendovszky, Pranav Srinivas Kumar, William Emfinger, Daniel Balasubramanian, Gabor Karsai

Subhav Pradhan, Abhishek Dubey, Tihamer Levendovszky, Pranav Srinivas Kumar, William Emfinger, Daniel Balasubramanian, Gabor Karsai. "Achieving resilience in distributed software systems via self-reconfiguration". Journal of Systems and Software, 122, 2016.

Improvements in mobile networking combined with the ubiquitous availability and adoption of low-cost development boards have enabled the vision of mobile platforms of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), such as fractionated spacecraft and UAV swarms. Computation and communication resources, sensors, and actuators that are shared among different applications characterize these systems. The cyber-physical nature of these systems means that physical environments can affect both the resource availability and software applications that depend on resource availability. While many application development and management challenges associated with such systems have been described in existing literature, resilient operation and execution have received less attention. This paper describes our work on improving runtime support for resilience in mobile CPS, with a special focus on our runtime infrastructure that provides autonomous resilience via self-reconfiguration. We also describe the interplay between this runtime infrastructure and our design-time tools, as the later is used to statically determine the resilience properties of the former. Finally, we present a use case study to demonstrate and evaluate our design-time resilience analysis and runtime self-reconfiguration infrastructure.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Subhav Pradhan, Abhishek Dubey, Tihamer Levendovszky, Pranav
    Srinivas Kumar, William Emfinger, Daniel Balasubramanian,
    Gabor Karsai. <a
    >Achieving resilience in distributed software systems via
    self-reconfiguration</a>, <i>Journal of Systems
    and Software</i>, 122,  2016.
  • Plain text
    Subhav Pradhan, Abhishek Dubey, Tihamer Levendovszky, Pranav
    Srinivas Kumar, William Emfinger, Daniel Balasubramanian,
    Gabor Karsai. "Achieving resilience in distributed
    software systems via self-reconfiguration".
    <i>Journal of Systems and Software</i>, 122, 
  • BibTeX
        author = {Subhav Pradhan and Abhishek Dubey and Tihamer
                  Levendovszky and Pranav Srinivas Kumar and William
                  Emfinger and Daniel Balasubramanian and Gabor
        title = {Achieving resilience in distributed software
                  systems via self-reconfiguration},
        journal = {Journal of Systems and Software},
        volume = {122},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {Improvements in mobile networking combined with
                  the ubiquitous availability and adoption of
                  low-cost development boards have enabled the
                  vision of mobile platforms of Cyber-Physical
                  Systems (CPS), such as fractionated spacecraft and
                  UAV swarms. Computation and communication
                  resources, sensors, and actuators that are shared
                  among different applications characterize these
                  systems. The cyber-physical nature of these
                  systems means that physical environments can
                  affect both the resource availability and software
                  applications that depend on resource availability.
                  While many application development and management
                  challenges associated with such systems have been
                  described in existing literature, resilient
                  operation and execution have received less
                  attention. This paper describes our work on
                  improving runtime support for resilience in mobile
                  CPS, with a special focus on our runtime
                  infrastructure that provides autonomous resilience
                  via self-reconfiguration. We also describe the
                  interplay between this runtime infrastructure and
                  our design-time tools, as the later is used to
                  statically determine the resilience properties of
                  the former. Finally, we present a use case study
                  to demonstrate and evaluate our design-time
                  resilience analysis and runtime
                  self-reconfiguration infrastructure.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Waseem Abbas on 2 Mar 2017.
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