ROSMOD: a toolsuite for modeling, generating, deploying, and managing distributed real-time component-based software using ROS
Pranav Srinivas Kumar, William Emfinger, Gabor Karsai, Dexter Watkins, Benjamin Gasser, Amrutur Anilkumar

Pranav Srinivas Kumar, William Emfinger, Gabor Karsai, Dexter Watkins, Benjamin Gasser, Amrutur Anilkumar. "ROSMOD: a toolsuite for modeling, generating, deploying, and managing distributed real-time component-based software using ROS". Electronics, 5(3), 2016.

This paper presents the Robot Operating System Model-driven development tool suite, (ROSMOD) an integrated development environment for rapid prototyping component-based software for the Robot Operating System (ROS) middleware. ROSMOD is well suited for the design, development and deployment of large-scale distributed applications on embedded devices. We present the various features of ROSMOD including the modeling language, the graphical user interface, code generators, and deployment infrastructure. We demonstrate the utility of this tool with a real-world case study: an Autonomous Ground Support Equipment (AGSE) robot that was designed and prototyped using ROSMOD for the NASA Student Launch competition, 2014–2015.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Pranav Srinivas Kumar, William Emfinger, Gabor Karsai,
    Dexter Watkins, Benjamin Gasser, Amrutur Anilkumar. <a
    >ROSMOD: a toolsuite for modeling, generating, deploying,
    and managing distributed real-time component-based software
    using ROS</a>, <i>Electronics</i>, 5(3), 
  • Plain text
    Pranav Srinivas Kumar, William Emfinger, Gabor Karsai,
    Dexter Watkins, Benjamin Gasser, Amrutur Anilkumar.
    "ROSMOD: a toolsuite for modeling, generating,
    deploying, and managing distributed real-time
    component-based software using ROS".
    <i>Electronics</i>, 5(3),  2016.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Pranav Srinivas Kumar and William Emfinger and
                  Gabor Karsai and Dexter Watkins and Benjamin
                  Gasser and Amrutur Anilkumar},
        title = {ROSMOD: a toolsuite for modeling, generating,
                  deploying, and managing distributed real-time
                  component-based software using ROS},
        journal = {Electronics},
        volume = {5},
        number = {3},
        year = {2016},
        abstract = {This paper presents the Robot Operating System
                  Model-driven development tool suite, (ROSMOD) an
                  integrated development environment for rapid
                  prototyping component-based software for the Robot
                  Operating System (ROS) middleware. ROSMOD is well
                  suited for the design, development and deployment
                  of large-scale distributed applications on
                  embedded devices. We present the various features
                  of ROSMOD including the modeling language, the
                  graphical user interface, code generators, and
                  deployment infrastructure. We demonstrate the
                  utility of this tool with a real-world case study:
                  an Autonomous Ground Support Equipment (AGSE)
                  robot that was designed and prototyped using
                  ROSMOD for the NASA Student Launch competition,
        URL = {}

Posted by Waseem Abbas on 2 Mar 2017.
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