Secure AI in Cyber Physical Systems
Dawn Song

Dawn Song. "Secure AI in Cyber Physical Systems". Talk or presentation, 23, August, 2017.

This talk discusses challenges and exciting new opportunities at the intersection of AI and Security in Cyber Physical Systems, how AI and deep learning can enable better security, and how Security can enable better AI. In particular, I will talk about secure deep learning and challenges and approaches to ensure the integrity of decisions made by deep learning in cyber physical systems. I will also talk about how we can use deep learning for vulnerability detection in embedded systems. Finally, I will conclude with future directions for secure AI in Cyber Physical Systems.

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  • HTML
    Dawn Song. <a
    ><i>Secure AI in Cyber Physical
    Systems</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  23,
    August, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Dawn Song. "Secure AI in Cyber Physical Systems".
    Talk or presentation,  23, August, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Dawn Song},
        title = {Secure AI in Cyber Physical Systems},
        day = {23},
        month = {August},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {This talk discusses challenges and exciting new
                  opportunities at the intersection of AI and
                  Security in Cyber Physical Systems, how AI and
                  deep learning can enable better security, and how
                  Security can enable better AI. In particular, I
                  will talk about secure deep learning and
                  challenges and approaches to ensure the integrity
                  of decisions made by deep learning in cyber
                  physical systems. I will also talk about how we
                  can use deep learning for vulnerability detection
                  in embedded systems. Finally, I will conclude with
                  future directions for secure AI in Cyber Physical
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 24 Aug 2017.
Groups: forces
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