Humans Amidst Automation: Competition, Learning, and Uncertainty
Roy Dong, Lillian Ratliff

Roy Dong, Lillian Ratliff. "Humans Amidst Automation: Competition, Learning, and Uncertainty". Talk or presentation, 23, August, 2017.

In the last few years, FORCES researchers have developed a theory of resilience and economics incentives in cyber-physical systems. In this talk, we discuss some of our recent research directions, which grew out of the methodologies and approaches created by FORCES. In this talk we will discuss a variety of topics which we are currently studying including a) how competition interacts with control and estimation of cyber-physical systems, b) how learning can be done when the data is generated by strategic agents, and c) how agents and markets respond to uncertainty. To such end, we outline some of our current research which we hope to extend to such settings, including: a) regret minimization techniques for the control of Markov decision processes, b) the learning of agent's preferences in dynamical systems when they are risk-sensitive, c) the effect of competition between data buyers when the data sources are strategically interacting with incentives, and d) a combinatorial optimization framework for closing the loop on analytics. Looking forward, we envision this work to be the basis of a new research agenda on new market structures formed by pervasive, disruptive technologies which are impetus for the digital transformation we are experiencing.

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  • HTML
    Roy Dong, Lillian Ratliff. <a
    ><i>Humans Amidst Automation: Competition,
    Learning, and Uncertainty</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  23, August, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Roy Dong, Lillian Ratliff. "Humans Amidst Automation:
    Competition, Learning, and Uncertainty". Talk or
    presentation,  23, August, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Roy Dong and Lillian Ratliff},
        title = {Humans Amidst Automation: Competition, Learning,
                  and Uncertainty},
        day = {23},
        month = {August},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {In the last few years, FORCES researchers have
                  developed a theory of resilience and economics
                  incentives in cyber-physical systems. In this
                  talk, we discuss some of our recent research
                  directions, which grew out of the methodologies
                  and approaches created by FORCES. In this talk we
                  will discuss a variety of topics which we are
                  currently studying including a) how competition
                  interacts with control and estimation of
                  cyber-physical systems, b) how learning can be
                  done when the data is generated by strategic
                  agents, and c) how agents and markets respond to
                  uncertainty. To such end, we outline some of our
                  current research which we hope to extend to such
                  settings, including: a) regret minimization
                  techniques for the control of Markov decision
                  processes, b) the learning of agent's preferences
                  in dynamical systems when they are risk-sensitive,
                  c) the effect of competition between data buyers
                  when the data sources are strategically
                  interacting with incentives, and d) a
                  combinatorial optimization framework for closing
                  the loop on analytics. Looking forward, we
                  envision this work to be the basis of a new
                  research agenda on new market structures formed by
                  pervasive, disruptive technologies which are
                  impetus for the digital transformation we are
                  experiencing. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 24 Aug 2017.
Groups: forces
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