A Distributed Control Algorithm Robust to Forecast Uncertainty for a Large Stormwater Catchment
Margaret P Chapman

Margaret P Chapman. "A Distributed Control Algorithm Robust to Forecast Uncertainty for a Large Stormwater Catchment". Talk or presentation, 23, August, 2017.

Today, stormwater systems are typically managed through the passive design of static infrastructure. While in some scenarios this simplicity is adequate, the incorporation of dynamic control methods into existing stormwater infrastructure can also provide significant benefits, such as the ability to adapt to varying storm conditions. In this talk, I will present the motivation for dynamic control in modern stormwater systems and my research proposal on this topic for the next two years. The research goal is to design a dynamic controller robust to precipitation uncertainty for an urbanized catchment in Kansas consisting of two ponds in-series.

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  • HTML
    Margaret P Chapman. <a
    ><i>A Distributed Control Algorithm Robust to
    Forecast Uncertainty for a Large Stormwater
    Catchment</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  23,
    August, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Margaret P Chapman. "A Distributed Control Algorithm
    Robust to Forecast Uncertainty for a Large Stormwater
    Catchment". Talk or presentation,  23, August, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Margaret P Chapman},
        title = {A Distributed Control Algorithm Robust to Forecast
                  Uncertainty for a Large Stormwater Catchment},
        day = {23},
        month = {August},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {Today, stormwater systems are typically managed
                  through the passive design of static
                  infrastructure. While in some scenarios this
                  simplicity is adequate, the incorporation of
                  dynamic control methods into existing stormwater
                  infrastructure can also provide significant
                  benefits, such as the ability to adapt to varying
                  storm conditions. In this talk, I will present the
                  motivation for dynamic control in modern
                  stormwater systems and my research proposal on
                  this topic for the next two years. The research
                  goal is to design a dynamic controller robust to
                  precipitation uncertainty for an urbanized
                  catchment in Kansas consisting of two ponds
        URL = {http://cps-forces.org/pubs/263.html}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 24 Aug 2017.
Groups: forces
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