Resilient Diffusion Least-Mean Squares Over Adaptive Networks for Distributed Clustering in CPS
Jiani Li

Jiani Li. "Resilient Diffusion Least-Mean Squares Over Adaptive Networks for Distributed Clustering in CPS". Talk or presentation, 23, August, 2017.

Diffusion strategies for adaptation, learning and optimization over networks enable networked agents to interact with neighbors on a local level in response to streaming data and diffuse information across the network to continually solve the estimation or inference tasks. By adjusting the weights assigned to ones’ neighbors adaptively, agents with the same estimation objective will end up in the same cluster, and by cooperating only with neighbors in the same cluster, the estimation performance will be greatly enhanced. Yet the attacker could possibly communicate with normal agents and gain a large weight by some well-designed attack model, and finally drive the agents to estimate a wrong model or prolong the estimation time. Normal agents, as the defender, will then take use of the sequential change detection theory to detect a possible attack.

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  • HTML
    Jiani Li. <a
    ><i>Resilient Diffusion Least-Mean Squares Over
    Adaptive Networks for Distributed Clustering in
    CPS</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  23, August,
  • Plain text
    Jiani Li. "Resilient Diffusion Least-Mean Squares Over
    Adaptive Networks for Distributed Clustering in CPS".
    Talk or presentation,  23, August, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Jiani Li},
        title = {Resilient Diffusion Least-Mean Squares Over
                  Adaptive Networks for Distributed Clustering in CPS},
        day = {23},
        month = {August},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {Diffusion strategies for adaptation, learning and
                  optimization over networks enable networked agents
                  to interact with neighbors on a local level in
                  response to streaming data and diffuse information
                  across the network to continually solve the
                  estimation or inference tasks. By adjusting the
                  weights assigned to ones’ neighbors adaptively,
                  agents with the same estimation objective will end
                  up in the same cluster, and by cooperating only
                  with neighbors in the same cluster, the estimation
                  performance will be greatly enhanced. Yet the
                  attacker could possibly communicate with normal
                  agents and gain a large weight by some
                  well-designed attack model, and finally drive the
                  agents to estimate a wrong model or prolong the
                  estimation time. Normal agents, as the defender,
                  will then take use of the sequential change
                  detection theory to detect a possible attack.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 24 Aug 2017.
Groups: forces
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