On Threshold Properties of the Optimal Policy for POMDPs on Partially Ordered Spaces
Erik Miehling

Erik Miehling. "On Threshold Properties of the Optimal Policy for POMDPs on Partially Ordered Spaces". Talk or presentation, 23, August, 2017.

Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) arise frequently in real-world problems. Unfortunately, problems in this setting are typically large, usually precluding one from finding an optimal policy. In order to alleviate the complexity of this search, we investigate if there exist conditions that allow one to say that the optimal policy has any special structure. Specifically, we study a specific class of POMDPs (problems with a binary action space) and obtain conditions on the state and observation processes such that the resulting policy is monotone in the belief state. We consider general partially ordered state and observation spaces, requiring us to extend the existing theory. Applications in security are discussed.

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  • HTML
    Erik Miehling. <a
    ><i>On Threshold Properties of the Optimal Policy
    for POMDPs on Partially Ordered Spaces</i></a>,
    Talk or presentation,  23, August, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Erik Miehling. "On Threshold Properties of the Optimal
    Policy for POMDPs on Partially Ordered Spaces". Talk or
    presentation,  23, August, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Erik Miehling},
        title = {On Threshold Properties of the Optimal Policy for
                  POMDPs on Partially Ordered Spaces},
        day = {23},
        month = {August},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {Partially observable Markov decision processes
                  (POMDPs) arise frequently in real-world problems.
                  Unfortunately, problems in this setting are
                  typically large, usually precluding one from
                  finding an optimal policy. In order to alleviate
                  the complexity of this search, we investigate if
                  there exist conditions that allow one to say that
                  the optimal policy has any special structure.
                  Specifically, we study a specific class of POMDPs
                  (problems with a binary action space) and obtain
                  conditions on the state and observation processes
                  such that the resulting policy is monotone in the
                  belief state. We consider general partially
                  ordered state and observation spaces, requiring us
                  to extend the existing theory. Applications in
                  security are discussed.},
        URL = {http://cps-forces.org/pubs/277.html}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 24 Aug 2017.
Groups: forces
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