Competitive Outcomes in the Data Market: Statistical Estimation in a Strategic Setting
Tyler Westenbroek

Tyler Westenbroek. "Competitive Outcomes in the Data Market: Statistical Estimation in a Strategic Setting". Talk or presentation, 24, August, 2017.

We introduce a preliminary model for interactions in the data market. Recent research has shown ways in which a data aggregator can design mechanisms for users to ensure the quality of data, even in situations where the users are effort-averse (i.e. prefer to submit lower-quality estimates) and the data aggregator cannot observe the effort exerted by the users (i.e. the contract suffers from the principal-agent problem). However, we have shown that these mechanisms often break down in more realistic models, where multiple data aggregators are in competition. Our work motivates the need to introduce more robust, socially equitable pricing mechanisms or introduce a regulatory framework to mitigate the inefficiencies that arise in the data market.

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  • HTML
    Tyler Westenbroek. <a
    ><i>Competitive Outcomes in the Data Market:
    Statistical Estimation in a Strategic
    Setting</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  24,
    August, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Tyler Westenbroek. "Competitive Outcomes in the Data
    Market: Statistical Estimation in a Strategic Setting".
    Talk or presentation,  24, August, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Tyler Westenbroek},
        title = {Competitive Outcomes in the Data Market:
                  Statistical Estimation in a Strategic Setting},
        day = {24},
        month = {August},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {We introduce a preliminary model for interactions
                  in the data market. Recent research has shown ways
                  in which a data aggregator can design mechanisms
                  for users to ensure the quality of data, even in
                  situations where the users are effort-averse (i.e.
                  prefer to submit lower-quality estimates) and the
                  data aggregator cannot observe the effort exerted
                  by the users (i.e. the contract suffers from the
                  principal-agent problem). However, we have shown
                  that these mechanisms often break down in more
                  realistic models, where multiple data aggregators
                  are in competition. Our work motivates the need to
                  introduce more robust, socially equitable pricing
                  mechanisms or introduce a regulatory framework to
                  mitigate the inefficiencies that arise in the data
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 24 Aug 2017.
Groups: forces
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