Digital Transformation of Societal Scale Systems
Shankar Sastry

Shankar Sastry. "Digital Transformation of Societal Scale Systems". Talk or presentation, 24, August, 2017.

During the course of our work on FORCES we have seen the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), Elastic Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics, and Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems. While each one of these advances has in itself been very substantive, we believe that our work on FORCES has revealed a way ahead for the Digital Transformation of Societal Scale Systems. Digital Transformation includes a way of re-architecting CPS Societal Systems such as transportation systems, energy systems, manufacturing and robotics systems using a combination of streaming data from IoT sensors analyzed using machine learning techniques and then made resilient to attack and privacy aware. New mechanism design which builds in learning and addresses social justice issues will be transformational to society. In FORCES we began laying out the theoretical foundations of this digital transformation. The scope of what we have begun is now enormous, and FORCES is to be credited with having blazed this new frontier.

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  • HTML
    Shankar Sastry. <a
    ><i>Digital Transformation of Societal Scale
    Systems</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  24,
    August, 2017.
  • Plain text
    Shankar Sastry. "Digital Transformation of Societal
    Scale Systems". Talk or presentation,  24, August, 2017.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Shankar Sastry},
        title = {Digital Transformation of Societal Scale Systems},
        day = {24},
        month = {August},
        year = {2017},
        abstract = {During the course of our work on FORCES we have
                  seen the emergence of the Internet of Things
                  (IoT), Elastic Cloud Computing, Big Data
                  Analytics, and Machine Learning for Cyber Physical
                  Systems. While each one of these advances has in
                  itself been very substantive, we believe that our
                  work on FORCES has revealed a way ahead for the
                  Digital Transformation of Societal Scale Systems.
                  Digital Transformation includes a way of
                  re-architecting CPS Societal Systems such as
                  transportation systems, energy systems,
                  manufacturing and robotics systems using a
                  combination of streaming data from IoT sensors
                  analyzed using machine learning techniques and
                  then made resilient to attack and privacy aware.
                  New mechanism design which builds in learning and
                  addresses social justice issues will be
                  transformational to society. In FORCES we began
                  laying out the theoretical foundations of this
                  digital transformation. The scope of what we have
                  begun is now enormous, and FORCES is to be
                  credited with having blazed this new frontier.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 24 Aug 2017.
Groups: forces
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