Stealthy Epidemics: Modeling Worm Attacks against CPS
Aron Laszka

Aron Laszka. "Stealthy Epidemics: Modeling Worm Attacks against CPS". Talk or presentation, 28, May, 2015.

Highly sensitive systems, such as CPS for critical infrastructure, are traditionally meant to be secured by the "air gap," that is, by not connecting them to publicly accessible networks. However, even these systems can be penetrated by attacks based on computer worms, which can propagate over local networks and removable drives. For example, the Stuxnet worm compromised the control systems of a nuclear facility, while the Shamoon worm infiltrated the computer systems of natural-gas companies. The key to preventing such attacks from causing significant damage is the early detection of malware, since this allows us to patch vulnerabilities and create signature-based malware-filters before a critical system is infected. Consequently, to devise optimal defenses, we must model how the set of infected nodes evolves over time and when the worm is detected or reaches its target. Yet, previous work on modeling worms is mostly based on epidemic and diffusion models, which do not consider detection events or target nodes; instead, they usually study an equilibrium or steady state, which may not be reached before the worm is detected. In this work, we introduce diffusion models that incorporate detection events and target nodes, and study the problem of mitigating attacks through optimal early detection. We formulate the mitigation problem as a game between a defender, who is capable of monitoring a limited set of nodes for potential infections, and an attacker, who releases a computer worm at some initial nodes. We study the computational complexity of finding the optimal selection of monitoring nodes, propose efficient heuristics, and use simulations to evaluate these heuristics on generated and real-world networks.

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  • HTML
    Aron Laszka. <a
    ><i>Stealthy Epidemics: Modeling Worm Attacks
    against CPS</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  28,
    May, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Aron Laszka. "Stealthy Epidemics: Modeling Worm Attacks
    against CPS". Talk or presentation,  28, May, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Aron Laszka},
        title = {Stealthy Epidemics: Modeling Worm Attacks against
        day = {28},
        month = {May},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {Highly sensitive systems, such as CPS for critical
                  infrastructure, are traditionally meant to be
                  secured by the "air gap," that is, by not
                  connecting them to publicly accessible networks.
                  However, even these systems can be penetrated by
                  attacks based on computer worms, which can
                  propagate over local networks and removable
                  drives. For example, the Stuxnet worm compromised
                  the control systems of a nuclear facility, while
                  the Shamoon worm infiltrated the computer systems
                  of natural-gas companies. The key to preventing
                  such attacks from causing significant damage is
                  the early detection of malware, since this allows
                  us to patch vulnerabilities and create
                  signature-based malware-filters before a critical
                  system is infected. Consequently, to devise
                  optimal defenses, we must model how the set of
                  infected nodes evolves over time and when the worm
                  is detected or reaches its target. Yet, previous
                  work on modeling worms is mostly based on epidemic
                  and diffusion models, which do not consider
                  detection events or target nodes; instead, they
                  usually study an equilibrium or steady state,
                  which may not be reached before the worm is
                  detected. In this work, we introduce diffusion
                  models that incorporate detection events and
                  target nodes, and study the problem of mitigating
                  attacks through optimal early detection. We
                  formulate the mitigation problem as a game between
                  a defender, who is capable of monitoring a limited
                  set of nodes for potential infections, and an
                  attacker, who releases a computer worm at some
                  initial nodes. We study the computational
                  complexity of finding the optimal selection of
                  monitoring nodes, propose efficient heuristics,
                  and use simulations to evaluate these heuristics
                  on generated and real-world networks.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 10 Jun 2015.
Groups: forces
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