Online Learning on a Continuum
Walid Krichene

Walid Krichene. "Online Learning on a Continuum". Talk or presentation, 28, May, 2015.

We consider an online learning problem on a continuum. A decision maker is given a compact feasible set S, and chooses, at each iteration, a distribution over S, then discovers a loss function defined on S. This model has applications ranging from player dynamics to portfolio optimization and machine learning. We first review existing methods for learning on a continuum. Then we propose a new method which relaxes the convexity assumptions on the feasible set and the losses. We view the problem as an online optimization problem on L^2(S), the space of Lebesgue-continuous distributions on S. We prove a general regret bound for the dual averaging method on L^2(S), then prove that dual averaging with omega-potentials (a class of regularizers) achieves sublinear regret when S is uniformly fat (a condition weaker than convexity). We give numerical examples to illustrate these results.

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  • HTML
    Walid Krichene. <a
    ><i>Online Learning on a
    Continuum</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  28,
    May, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Walid Krichene. "Online Learning on a Continuum".
    Talk or presentation,  28, May, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Walid Krichene},
        title = {Online Learning on a Continuum},
        day = {28},
        month = {May},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {We consider an online learning problem on a
                  continuum. A decision maker is given a compact
                  feasible set S, and chooses, at each iteration, a
                  distribution over S, then discovers a loss
                  function defined on S. This model has applications
                  ranging from player dynamics to portfolio
                  optimization and machine learning. We first review
                  existing methods for learning on a continuum. Then
                  we propose a new method which relaxes the
                  convexity assumptions on the feasible set and the
                  losses. We view the problem as an online
                  optimization problem on L^2(S), the space of
                  Lebesgue-continuous distributions on S. We prove a
                  general regret bound for the dual averaging method
                  on L^2(S), then prove that dual averaging with
                  omega-potentials (a class of regularizers)
                  achieves sublinear regret when S is uniformly fat
                  (a condition weaker than convexity). We give
                  numerical examples to illustrate these results.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 10 Jun 2015.
Groups: forces
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