Approximation Algorithms for Optimization of Large-Scale Interdependent Systems: From Supermarket Refrigerators to Electrical Grids
Insoon Yang

Insoon Yang. "Approximation Algorithms for Optimization of Large-Scale Interdependent Systems: From Supermarket Refrigerators to Electrical Grids". Talk or presentation, 28, May, 2015.

To decarbonize the electric power grid, there have been increased efforts to utilize clean renewable energy sources, as well as demand-side resources such as electric loads. This utilization is challenging because of uncertain renewable generation and inelastic demand. Furthermore, the interdependencies between system states of power networks or interconnected loads complicate several decision-making problems. In this talk, I will present an optimization tool to help to overcome these challenges and improve the sustainability of electric power systems. Specifically, the optimization approach is developed for combinatorial decision-making under system interdependencies, which are inherent in interconnected loads and power networks. For such decision-making problems, which can be formulated as optimization of combinatorial dynamical systems, I will present a linear approximation method that is scalable and has a provable suboptimality bound. The performance of the approximation algorithm is illustrated in ON/OFF control of interconnected supermarket refrigeration systems and power network topology optimization. Finally, I will discuss several future research directions in the operation of sustainable cyber-physical systems including a selective optimal control mechanism for resilient power grids.

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  • HTML
    Insoon Yang. <a
    ><i>Approximation Algorithms for Optimization of
    Large-Scale Interdependent Systems: From Supermarket
    Refrigerators to Electrical Grids</i></a>, Talk
    or presentation,  28, May, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Insoon Yang. "Approximation Algorithms for Optimization
    of Large-Scale Interdependent Systems: From Supermarket
    Refrigerators to Electrical Grids". Talk or
    presentation,  28, May, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Insoon Yang},
        title = {Approximation Algorithms for Optimization of
                  Large-Scale Interdependent Systems: From
                  Supermarket Refrigerators to Electrical Grids},
        day = {28},
        month = {May},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {To decarbonize the electric power grid, there have
                  been increased efforts to utilize clean renewable
                  energy sources, as well as demand-side resources
                  such as electric loads. This utilization is
                  challenging because of uncertain renewable
                  generation and inelastic demand. Furthermore, the
                  interdependencies between system states of power
                  networks or interconnected loads complicate
                  several decision-making problems. In this talk, I
                  will present an optimization tool to help to
                  overcome these challenges and improve the
                  sustainability of electric power systems.
                  Specifically, the optimization approach is
                  developed for combinatorial decision-making under
                  system interdependencies, which are inherent in
                  interconnected loads and power networks. For such
                  decision-making problems, which can be formulated
                  as optimization of combinatorial dynamical
                  systems, I will present a linear approximation
                  method that is scalable and has a provable
                  suboptimality bound. The performance of the
                  approximation algorithm is illustrated in ON/OFF
                  control of interconnected supermarket
                  refrigeration systems and power network topology
                  optimization. Finally, I will discuss several
                  future research directions in the operation of
                  sustainable cyber-physical systems including a
                  selective optimal control mechanism for resilient
                  power grids.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 10 Jun 2015.
Groups: forces
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