Protecting Virtual Calls in Binary Programs: An Empirical Study from COTS Applications To CPS Applications
Chao Zhang

Chao Zhang. "Protecting Virtual Calls in Binary Programs: An Empirical Study from COTS Applications To CPS Applications". Talk or presentation, 28, May, 2015.

One of the most popular exploit targets in modern COTS applications is virtual table pointers (vfptr, widely used in C++ programs), which point to virtual function tables (vtable) consisting of virtual function pointers. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities, such as use-after-free and heap overflow, to overwrite the vtable or vfptr, causing further virtual function calls to be hijacked (vtable hijacking). In this talk we (1) present a lightweight defense solution VTint to protect binary executables against vtable hijacking attacks. It uses binary rewriting to instrument security checks before virtual function dispatches to validate vtables’ integrity. Experiments show that it only introduces a low performance overhead (less than 2%), and it can effectively protect real-world vtable hijacking attacks. We also (2) investigate some CPS applications and development frameworks, and uncover the potential attack surface.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Chao Zhang. <a
    ><i>Protecting Virtual Calls in Binary Programs: An
    Empirical Study from COTS Applications To CPS
    Applications</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  28,
    May, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Chao Zhang. "Protecting Virtual Calls in Binary
    Programs: An Empirical Study from COTS Applications To CPS
    Applications". Talk or presentation,  28, May, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Chao Zhang},
        title = {Protecting Virtual Calls in Binary Programs: An
                  Empirical Study from COTS Applications To CPS
        day = {28},
        month = {May},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {One of the most popular exploit targets in modern
                  COTS applications is virtual table pointers
                  (vfptr, widely used in C++ programs), which point
                  to virtual function tables (vtable) consisting of
                  virtual function pointers. Attackers can exploit
                  vulnerabilities, such as use-after-free and heap
                  overflow, to overwrite the vtable or vfptr,
                  causing further virtual function calls to be
                  hijacked (vtable hijacking). In this talk we (1)
                  present a lightweight defense solution VTint to
                  protect binary executables against vtable
                  hijacking attacks. It uses binary rewriting to
                  instrument security checks before virtual function
                  dispatches to validate vtables’ integrity.
                  Experiments show that it only introduces a low
                  performance overhead (less than 2%), and it can
                  effectively protect real-world vtable hijacking
                  attacks. We also (2) investigate some CPS
                  applications and development frameworks, and
                  uncover the potential attack surface.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 10 Jun 2015.
Groups: forces
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