Defense Policies for Partially Observed Spreading Processes on Bayesian Attack Graphs
Erik Miehling

Erik Miehling. "Defense Policies for Partially Observed Spreading Processes on Bayesian Attack Graphs". Talk or presentation, 29, May, 2015.

The increasing connectivity of networks and smart devices allows for greater efficiency and operational flexibility but comes at the significant cost of making the system exposed to multiple vulnerabilities, placing the system under the constant threat of external attacks. This makes the monitoring and mitigation of intrusions a vitally important task. The problem is further complicated by the fact that attackers typically combine multiple vulnerabilities, of which the network operator (defender) cannot fully observe, in order to penetrate the network. We use the notion of Bayesian attack graphs to describe how attackers combine and exploit system vulnerabilities in order gain access to a key set of resources. We assume the attacker follows a probabilistic spreading process on the attack graph, of which the defender can only partially observe. Formulating the problem as a partially observed Markov decision process (POMDP) allows us to compute an optimal defender countermeasure policy, protecting the key set of resources from being compromised. We demonstrate the performance of our approach on a realistic test network.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Erik Miehling. <a
    ><i>Defense Policies for Partially Observed
    Spreading Processes on Bayesian Attack
    Graphs</i></a>, Talk or presentation,  29, May,
  • Plain text
    Erik Miehling. "Defense Policies for Partially Observed
    Spreading Processes on Bayesian Attack Graphs". Talk or
    presentation,  29, May, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Erik Miehling},
        title = {Defense Policies for Partially Observed Spreading
                  Processes on Bayesian Attack Graphs},
        day = {29},
        month = {May},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {The increasing connectivity of networks and smart
                  devices allows for greater efficiency and
                  operational flexibility but comes at the
                  significant cost of making the system exposed to
                  multiple vulnerabilities, placing the system under
                  the constant threat of external attacks. This
                  makes the monitoring and mitigation of intrusions
                  a vitally important task. The problem is further
                  complicated by the fact that attackers typically
                  combine multiple vulnerabilities, of which the
                  network operator (defender) cannot fully observe,
                  in order to penetrate the network. We use the
                  notion of Bayesian attack graphs to describe how
                  attackers combine and exploit system
                  vulnerabilities in order gain access to a key set
                  of resources. We assume the attacker follows a
                  probabilistic spreading process on the attack
                  graph, of which the defender can only partially
                  observe. Formulating the problem as a partially
                  observed Markov decision process (POMDP) allows us
                  to compute an optimal defender countermeasure
                  policy, protecting the key set of resources from
                  being compromised. We demonstrate the performance
                  of our approach on a realistic test network.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 10 Jun 2015.
Groups: forces
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