FORCES Scientific Agenda: Summary of Progress Made and Outstanding Challenges
Saurabh Amin

Saurabh Amin. "FORCES Scientific Agenda: Summary of Progress Made and Outstanding Challenges". Talk or presentation, 4, November, 2015.

This talk highlights the progress made by the FORCES team in developing a foundation for integrating resilient control (RC) algorithms with economic incentives (EI) schemes. Specifically, research outcomes in three topics will be summarized: (i) Analysis of network security games; (ii) Design of incentive mechanisms for efficient operation; (iii) Algorithms for learning, diagnostics, and control. All these problems face two key challenges: first, how to design RC algorithms that consider the cyber-physical interactions, and especially the stochastic hybrid dynamics that results from security and reliability failures? Second, how to design EI schemes that account for the presence of asymmetric (private) information among multiple strategic entities? An illustrative example will be used to demonstrate the solutions that are being developed by the FORCES team toward addressing these challenges.

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  • HTML
    Saurabh Amin. <a
    ><i>FORCES Scientific Agenda: Summary of Progress
    Made and Outstanding Challenges</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  4, November, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Saurabh Amin. "FORCES Scientific Agenda: Summary of
    Progress Made and Outstanding Challenges". Talk or
    presentation,  4, November, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Saurabh Amin},
        title = {FORCES Scientific Agenda: Summary of Progress Made
                  and Outstanding Challenges},
        day = {4},
        month = {November},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {This talk highlights the progress made by the
                  FORCES team in developing a foundation for
                  integrating resilient control (RC) algorithms with
                  economic incentives (EI) schemes. Specifically,
                  research outcomes in three topics will be
                  summarized: (i) Analysis of network security
                  games; (ii) Design of incentive mechanisms for
                  efficient operation; (iii) Algorithms for
                  learning, diagnostics, and control. All these
                  problems face two key challenges: first, how to
                  design RC algorithms that consider the
                  cyber-physical interactions, and especially the
                  stochastic hybrid dynamics that results from
                  security and reliability failures? Second, how to
                  design EI schemes that account for the presence of
                  asymmetric (private) information among multiple
                  strategic entities? An illustrative example will
                  be used to demonstrate the solutions that are
                  being developed by the FORCES team toward
                  addressing these challenges.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 4 Nov 2015.
Groups: forces
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