Towards a Resilient and Secure Air Transportation Infrastructure
Hamsa Balakrishnan

Hamsa Balakrishnan. "Towards a Resilient and Secure Air Transportation Infrastructure". Talk or presentation, 4, November, 2015.

This talk will cover two recent air transportation-related thrusts of FORCES at MIT. The first thrust considers new approaches to characterizing the state and dynamics of networked systems using data. In doing so, we consider methods to cluster graphs based on network-theoretic properties such as nodal degrees and eigenvector centrality, and also properties of directed networks such as hub and authority scores. The problem of community detection, that is, grouping of nodes with strong connectivity, is also considered. We use the case study of air traffic delay networks to illustrate how these methods can be used to understand delay propagation and resilience of real-world networked systems. The second thrust deals with the problem of developing secure air traffic control systems. We develop a taxonomy of potential vulnerabilities in NextGen ATC systems, and identify attacks that could be addressed using existing technologies such as message authentication and confidentiality. We consider how problems such as the injection of false data and loss of availability (due to GPS jamming, for example) may be mitigated in onboard systems by checking for data consistency using models of aircraft dynamics. We also discuss the potential impacts of introducing unmanned systems into the airspace on the underlying threat models.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Hamsa Balakrishnan. <a
    ><i>Towards a Resilient and Secure Air
    Transportation Infrastructure</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  4, November, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Hamsa Balakrishnan. "Towards a Resilient and Secure Air
    Transportation Infrastructure". Talk or presentation, 
    4, November, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Hamsa Balakrishnan},
        title = {Towards a Resilient and Secure Air Transportation
        day = {4},
        month = {November},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {This talk will cover two recent air
                  transportation-related thrusts of FORCES at MIT.
                  The first thrust considers new approaches to
                  characterizing the state and dynamics of networked
                  systems using data. In doing so, we consider
                  methods to cluster graphs based on
                  network-theoretic properties such as nodal degrees
                  and eigenvector centrality, and also properties of
                  directed networks such as hub and authority
                  scores. The problem of community detection, that
                  is, grouping of nodes with strong connectivity, is
                  also considered. We use the case study of air
                  traffic delay networks to illustrate how these
                  methods can be used to understand delay
                  propagation and resilience of real-world networked
                  systems. The second thrust deals with the problem
                  of developing secure air traffic control systems.
                  We develop a taxonomy of potential vulnerabilities
                  in NextGen ATC systems, and identify attacks that
                  could be addressed using existing technologies
                  such as message authentication and
                  confidentiality. We consider how problems such as
                  the injection of false data and loss of
                  availability (due to GPS jamming, for example) may
                  be mitigated in onboard systems by checking for
                  data consistency using models of aircraft
                  dynamics. We also discuss the potential impacts of
                  introducing unmanned systems into the airspace on
                  the underlying threat models. },
        URL = {}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 4 Nov 2015.
Groups: forces
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