Quantifying User Engagement in Residential Demand Response Programs
Maximilian Balandat

Maximilian Balandat. "Quantifying User Engagement in Residential Demand Response Programs". Talk or presentation, 4, November, 2015.

We study user engagement in Residential Demand Response programs. Lacking data from a randomized experiment, we estimate a user's counterfactual consumption during Demand Response (DR) events using tools from Machine Learning. Our models incorporate past consumption measurements and other fixed effects (such as weather or time of day / day of week). We employ nonparametric statistical techniques to compare the forecast errors during non-DR times and DR times, and use the results to define a metric for the level of a user's participation. Our study is based on a dataset obtained from 500 customers of the company ohmconnect, the only third-party residential DR provider in California. Our broader goal is to combine modern techniques from Machine Learning and Econometrics in order to estimate causal treatment effects based on non-experimental high-frequency data.

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  • HTML
    Maximilian Balandat. <a
    ><i>Quantifying User Engagement in Residential
    Demand Response Programs</i></a>, Talk or
    presentation,  4, November, 2015.
  • Plain text
    Maximilian Balandat. "Quantifying User Engagement in
    Residential Demand Response Programs". Talk or
    presentation,  4, November, 2015.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Maximilian Balandat},
        title = {Quantifying User Engagement in Residential Demand
                  Response Programs},
        day = {4},
        month = {November},
        year = {2015},
        abstract = {We study user engagement in Residential Demand
                  Response programs. Lacking data from a randomized
                  experiment, we estimate a user's counterfactual
                  consumption during Demand Response (DR) events
                  using tools from Machine Learning. Our models
                  incorporate past consumption measurements and
                  other fixed effects (such as weather or time of
                  day / day of week). We employ nonparametric
                  statistical techniques to compare the forecast
                  errors during non-DR times and DR times, and use
                  the results to define a metric for the level of a
                  user's participation. Our study is based on a
                  dataset obtained from 500 customers of the company
                  ohmconnect, the only third-party residential DR
                  provider in California. Our broader goal is to
                  combine modern techniques from Machine Learning
                  and Econometrics in order to estimate causal
                  treatment effects based on non-experimental
                  high-frequency data.},
        URL = {http://cps-forces.org/pubs/97.html}

Posted by Carolyn Winter on 4 Nov 2015.
Groups: forces
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