package graph.distort; import graph.*; import graph.filter.*; /** * A filter that distorts the graph, based on work by * Sarkar and Brown at DEC research. * The transformations are: * *
 *      T(x) = (d + 1)x / (dx + 1)      //translation
 *      M(x) = (d + 1) / (dx + 1)^2     //magnification
* * @see graph.filter.Filter * @see graph.distort.PolarDistortion * @author Michael Shilman * @version $Id$ */ public class PolarDistortion implements Filter { public int focus[] = new int[2]; public int k; public static int s_distortIndex = AttributeManager.NO_INDEX; public EmbedCanvas c; public PolarDistortion() { if(s_distortIndex == AttributeManager.NO_INDEX) { s_distortIndex = AttributeManager.getIndex("Distortion"); } } public void init(Graph g) { } public void apply(Node n) { float focusX = ((float)(c.focus[0] - c.BORDER)/(c.IMG_X/2.0f)); float focusY = ((float)(c.focus[1] - c.BORDER)/(c.IMG_Y/2.0f)); DistortionAttr a = (DistortionAttr)n.attrs[s_distortIndex]; //if(a.x = float x = n.x; float y = n.y; float nx = Math.abs(focusX - x); float ny = Math.abs(focusY - y); float r = (float)Math.sqrt(nx*nx + ny*ny); // float mx = (c.k*c.k + 1.0f)/((c.k*c.k*nx + 1.0f)*(c.k*c.k*nx + 1.0f)); // float my = (c.k*c.k + 1.0f)/((c.k*c.k*ny + 1.0f)*(c.k*c.k*ny + 1.0f)); float mx = (c.k + 1.0f)/((c.k*nx + 1.0f)*(c.k*nx + 1.0f)); float my = (c.k + 1.0f)/((c.k*ny + 1.0f)*(c.k*ny + 1.0f)); float tr = (c.k + 1.0f)*r/(c.k*r + 1); float tx, ty; if(r < .0001) { tx = 0.0f; ty = 0.0f; } else { tx = tr*(nx/r); ty = tr*(ny/r); } if(x < focusX) tx = -tx; if(y < focusY) ty = -ty; c.points[i][j][0] = (tx*(c.IMG_X/2) + c.focus[0]); c.points[i][j][1] = (ty*(c.IMG_Y/2) + c.focus[1]); c.dims[i][j][0] = (mx*c.BOX_X); c.dims[i][j][1] = (my*c.BOX_Y); } public Frame buildGUI() { return new Frame(getName()); } public Component buildThumbnail() { return null; } public String getName() { return "Polar Distortion"; } }