package; import graph.*; import graph.filter.*; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.awt.*; /** * Take DOT attributes and map them onto the display. * * @see DotParser * @author Michael Shilman ( * @version $Id$ */ public class DotFilter implements Filter { public static int s_dotIndex = AttributeManager.NO_INDEX; DotFilter() { if(s_dotIndex == AttributeManager.NO_INDEX) { s_dotIndex = AttributeManager.getIndex("Dot"); } } public String getName() { return "Dot"; } public void apply(Node n) { DotInfo info = (DotInfo)n.getAttr(s_dotIndex); if(info.firstTime && (info != null) && (info.props != null)) { Enumeration keys = info.props.keys(); Enumeration vals = info.props.elements(); while(keys.hasMoreElements() && vals.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)keys.nextElement(); String val = (String)vals.nextElement(); if(key.equals("pos")) { filterPos(info, val); } else if(key.equals("width")) { filterWidth(info, val); } else if(key.equals("height")) { filterHeight(info, val); } else if(key.equals("color")) { //XXX color info System.out.println("DOT Color not yet implemented."); } } info.firstTime = false; } n.x = info.x; n.y = info.y; n.w = info.w; n.h = info.h; // System.out.println(">>>> FILTERING: " + + ", " + n.x + ", " + n.y + ", " + n.w + ", " + n.h ); } static void filterWidth(DotInfo info, String val) { Float w = new Float(val); info.w = (int)(10*w.floatValue()); } static void filterHeight(DotInfo info, String val) { Float h = new Float(val); info.h = (int)(10*h.floatValue()); } static void filterPos(DotInfo info, String val) { int comma = val.indexOf(','); Integer x = new Integer(val.substring(0,comma)); Integer y = new Integer(val.substring(comma+1)); System.out.println("Filter pos to: " + x + ", " + y); info.x = x.intValue(); info.y = y.intValue(); } public Frame buildGUI() { return new Frame("Dot Filter"); } public Component buildThumbnail() { return null; } }