package; import graph.*; import; import; import; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Enumeration; /** * Parse a DOT file into a graph * * @author Michael Shilman ( * @version $Id$ */ public class DotParser { //Assign this the first time a node is seen with //Dot properties. Until then, don't hog space. public static int s_dotIndex = AttributeManager.NO_INDEX; public static DotFilter s_filter = new DotFilter(); /** * Parse a DOT file and output a graph */ public static Graph parse(InputStream s) throws IOException, FileFormatException, GraphException{ Graph g = new Graph(); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(50); StreamTokenizer st = new StreamTokenizer(s); st.eolIsSignificant(true); st.wordChars('(','('); st.wordChars(')',')'); st.wordChars('_','_'); // st.commentChar( firstline(g, st); tokenize(ht, st); pack(g, ht); return g; } /** * Read the first line from a graph */ protected static void firstline(Graph g, StreamTokenizer st) throws IOException, FileFormatException, GraphException { int val = st.nextToken(); if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { System.out.println("Type = " + st.sval); } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected keyword graph/digraph."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } val = st.nextToken(); String name; if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || val == '\"') { name = st.sval; } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { name = String.valueOf(st.nval); } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected graph name."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } = name; val = st.nextToken(); if(val != '{') { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected open brace, '{'."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } //pop the newline if there is one val = st.nextToken(); if(val != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { st.pushBack(); } } /** * Tokenize a DOT file and stick its contents in * a hashtable */ protected static void tokenize(Hashtable ht, StreamTokenizer st) throws IOException, FileFormatException, GraphException { int val; while(true) { val = st.nextToken(); //Get the first node name String name; if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { name = st.sval; } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { name = String.valueOf(st.nval); } else if(val == '}') { return; //end of file } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected node name or \'}\'."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } Node n = getNode(name, ht); val = st.nextToken(); if(val == '[') { // Must be a list of properties for a node st.pushBack(); //push the '[' back on the stream nodeProperties(n, st); } else if(val == '-') { st.pushBack(); nodeEdges(n, ht, st, true); } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected --, ->, or []'s."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } val = st.nextToken(); if(val != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Premature EOF."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } else { String warn = "Warning, line " + st.lineno() + " : Extra data at end of line, skipping."; System.out.println(warn); while(true) { val = st.nextToken(); if(val == '}') { return; } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { break; } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Premature EOF."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } //else keep skipping else { if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { System.out.println("\tSKIPPING: " + st.sval); } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { System.out.println("\tSKIPPING: " + st.nval); } else { char c = (char)val; System.out.println("\tSKIPPING: " + c); } } } } } } } /** * On a failure, skip to the next instance of "val" * in the stream. */ protected static void recover(int mark, StreamTokenizer st) throws FileFormatException, IOException { int val; while((val = st.nextToken()) != mark) { if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { throw (new FileFormatException());//XXX? } } } /** * Parse all the node properties for a given node. * Throw a file format exception if the Node has already * been given properties, or if the format is otherwise * incorrect. */ // // XXX - Actually parse LISTS of attributes instead of // just a single attribute! // protected static void nodeProperties(Node n, StreamTokenizer st) throws IOException, FileFormatException { int val; val = st.nextToken(); if(val != '[') { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected \'[\' denoting node properties."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } //get this node's property list //if this is the first time, reserve the index //in the attribute manager if(s_dotIndex == AttributeManager.NO_INDEX) { s_dotIndex = AttributeManager.getIndex("Dot"); } DotInfo dotinfo = (DotInfo)n.getAttr(s_dotIndex); if(dotinfo == null) { dotinfo = new DotInfo(); n.setAttr(s_dotIndex, dotinfo); } Hashtable props = dotinfo.props; if(props == null) { props = new Hashtable(3); dotinfo.props = props; } while(true) { nodeProperty(props, st); val = st.nextToken(); if(val == ']') { break; } } //Push those properties into the node s_filter.apply(n); val = st.nextToken(); if(val != ';') { String err = "Parse eror, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected \';\' at end of line."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } //IMPORTANT: DO THIS IN THE UPPER LEVEL /* val = st.nextToken(); if(val != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { String warn = "Warning, line " + st.lineno() + " : Ignoring extra information at end of line."; System.out.println(warn); recover(StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL, st); } */ } protected static void nodeProperty(Hashtable props, StreamTokenizer st) throws IOException, FileFormatException { int val = st.nextToken(); String name; if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { name = st.sval; } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { name = String.valueOf(st.nval); } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected property name."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } if(props.contains(name)) { String warn = "Warning, line " + st.lineno() + " : Property \"" + name + "\" already defined."; System.out.println(warn); } val = st.nextToken(); if(val != '=') { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected \'=\' after property \"" + name + "\"."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } val = st.nextToken(); String prop; if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || val == '\"') { prop = st.sval; } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { prop = String.valueOf(st.nval); } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected value for property \"" + name + "\"."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } props.put(name, prop); System.out.println("Setting \"" + name + "\" to \"" + prop + "\"."); } /** * Pack the Node contents of a Hashtable into a Graph */ protected static void pack(Graph g, Hashtable ht) { for(Enumeration e = ht.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Node n = (Node)e.nextElement(); // System.out.println(">>>> PACKING: " + + ", " + n.x + ", " + n.y + ", " + n.w + ", " + n.h ); g.add(n); } } protected static void nodeEdges(Node n, Hashtable ht, StreamTokenizer st, boolean first) throws IOException, FileFormatException, GraphException { int val = st.nextToken(); if(val == '-') { val = st.nextToken(); if((val == '>') || (val == '-')) { boolean directed = (val == '>'); String name2; val = st.nextToken(); if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { name2 = st.sval; } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) { name2 = String.valueOf(st.nval); } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected node name."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } Node n2 = getNode(name2, ht); System.out.println("Attaching " + + " to " +; Edge e = n.attach(n2); e.directed = directed; if(!directed) { e.rep.showArrow = false; //XXX } nodeEdges(n2, ht, st, false); //it's okay to have EOL now } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected -- or ->."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } } else if(val == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL) { if(!first) { st.pushBack(); return; } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected -- or ->."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } } else if(val == '[') { //XXX edge properties System.out.println("For now, ignoring edge properties."); recover(StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL, st); //IMPORTANT FOR UPPER LEVEL st.pushBack(); } else { String err = "Parse error, line " + st.lineno() + " : Expected --, ->, or [...]."; throw (new FileFormatException(err)); } } public static Node getNode(String name, Hashtable ht) { Node n; if(ht.containsKey(name)){ n = (Node)ht.get(name); // System.out.println(">>>> RETRIEVING: " + + ", " + n.x + ", " + n.y + ", " + n.w + ", " + n.h ); } else { n = new Node(); = name; n.lbl.label =; ht.put(name,n); // System.out.println(">>>> CREATING: " + + ", " + n.x + ", " + n.y + ", " + n.w + ", " + n.h ); } return n; } }