package graph.editor; import graph.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; /** * A simple graph editor. The editor supports the following * operations: * * * When it is about to perform an operation, it first checks with * its GraphMonitor. The GraphMonitor is a means for an application * to dictate how the editor should behave. If it returns true * for an operation, the operation is carried out *AND* the GraphMonitor * has some chance to annotate the node in some way or change its appearance * or update its internal data structures. Otherwise the operation * is cancelled. * * @see graph.editor.GraphMonitor; * @see graph.Node; * @see graph.Edge; * @see graph.Graph; * @author Michael Shilman ( * @version $Id$ */ public class Editor extends Viewer { /** * In SELECT mode, the user can click on individual * nodes, or drag a rectangle. Holding down the * SHIFT key adds to the existing selection. Holding * down the ALT/META key removes from the existing * selection. */ public static final int SELECT_MODE = 0; /** * In MOVE mode, the user can click on individual * nodes or groups and drag them around. Since hierarchy * is not yet fully supported, the user can only * drag nodes that are on the top level of the hierarchy. */ public static final int MOVE_MODE = 1; /** * In NODE mode, the user creates new nodes when he clicks * the mouse. The nodes are placed in the topmost reference * frame. */ public static final int NODE_MODE = 2; /** * In EDGE mode, the user clicks on a node and drags * an edge to another node. */ public static final int EDGE_MODE = 3; /** * In DELETE mode, the user clicks on a node to * destroy it and remove it from the graph. Currently * it only deletes nodes in the topmost reference frame. */ public static final int DELETE_MODE = 4; /** * In UNGROUP mode, the user clicks on a graph to * destroy it and promote all its children to the * parent frame. Currently it only deletes groups * in the topmost reference frame. */ public static final int UNGROUP_MODE = 5; /** * A reference number for sanity checks. */ public static final int NUM_MODES = 6; /** * Keeps track of the current node that is being * moved in MOVE_MODE. */ Node m_move = null; /** * Keeps track of the current node that is the tail * of a new edge in EDGE_MODE. */ Node m_tail = null; /** * Keeps track of the current node that is the head * of a new edge in EDGE_MODE. While the user is dragging * the head around it is an invisible dummy node. When * the user finally drops the edge, it is either reassigned * to the target node, or deleted if the user drops it above * no node. */ Node m_head = null; /** * The X coordinate of the start position in a move. */ double m_moveStartX = 0; /** * The Y coordinate of the start position in a move. */ double m_moveStartY = 0; /** * A possible head for a new edge when the user is dragging * it around. This is used to highlight and unhighlight possible * nodes as they come and go. */ Node m_possibleHead = null; /** * The new edge that is being dragged. If the user places * a valid edge, this is "commited" to the graph. Otherwise * it is detached and garbage-collected. */ Edge m_edge = null; /** * A counter to generate default labels for new nodes. */ int m_nodeCount = 0; /** * A counter to generate default labels for new edges. */ int m_edgeCount = 0; /** * The color of the bounding rectangle in selection. */ Color m_selColor =; /** * The primary node selected. (XXX what's the policy here?) */ Node m_primeSel = null; /** * All the other nodes selected. */ Vector m_sel = new Vector(); /** * Whether or not to automatically label new nodes as they * are created. */ boolean m_lblNodes = true; /** * Whether or not to automatically label new edges as they * are created. */ boolean m_lblEdges = false; /** * The X coordinate of the point where the user starts * dragging out a selection. */ int m_startSelX; /** * The Y coordinate of the point where the user starts * dragging out a selection. */ int m_startSelY; /** * The selection rectangle used for giving visual feedback * to the user and for testing containment. */ Rectangle m_selRect = new Rectangle(); /** * Whether or not we are in the middle of a selection drag. * This is used to decide whether or not to draw the selection * rectangle. */ boolean m_inSel = false; /** * The GraphMonitor for this editor. */ protected GraphMonitor m_monitor; /** * The current mode the editor is in. */ public int m_mode = MOVE_MODE; /** * XXX A really stupid synchronization mechanism which * needs to be rethought. */ private boolean m_busy = false; /** * Construct a new editor with the given monitor and dimensions. */ public Editor(GraphMonitor monitor, int w, int h) { super(w, h); m_monitor = monitor; } /** * Construct a new editor with the given monitor. */ public Editor(GraphMonitor monitor) { super(); m_monitor = monitor; } /** * Used to set the editing mode. Mode changes are not * allowed while the user is in the middle of performing * an operation in a particular mode. For example, if * the user is in the middle of dragging an edge from * node A to B, it would cause funny behavior * to put the viewer into the MOVE_MODE state. * * @return Whether or not the mode change was possible. */ public boolean setMode(int mode) { if(!m_busy && (mode >= SELECT_MODE) && (mode <= NUM_MODES)) { m_mode = mode; return true; } return false; } /** * Clear the existing selection. Remove all entries from the * selection list, and unhighlight them. */ public void clearSelection() { if(!m_busy) { for(Enumeration e = m_sel.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Node n = (Node)e.nextElement();; } m_sel.removeAllElements(); } } /** * Pick the node at coordinate (x, y). * * @param x The X pick coordinate. * @param y The Y pick coordinate. * @return The picked node, or null if no node found. */ synchronized protected Node pick(int x, int y) { for(int i = graph.nodes.size(); i > 0; i--) { Node n = (Node)graph.nodes.elementAt(i-1); if((n.rep != null) && ( && (x >= n.x) && (y >= n.y) && (x < n.x+n.w) && (y < n.y+n.h)) { return n; } } return null; } /** * Pick the node whose center is nearest to coordinate (x, y) * and which falls within the specified tolerance. * * @param x The X pick coordinate. * @param y The Y pick coordinate. * @param tol The square of the maximum distance. * @return The picked node, or null if no node found. */ synchronized protected Node pick(int x, int y, double tol) { Node bestNode = null; double bestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; //start out badly for(int i = graph.nodes.size(); i > 0; i--) { Node n = (Node)graph.nodes.elementAt(i-1); double centerX = n.x + n.w/2.0; double centerY = n.y + n.h/2.0; double sqdist = (centerX-x)*(centerX-x) + (centerY-y)*(centerY-y); if((sqdist < bestDistance) && (sqdist <= tol)) { bestDistance = sqdist; bestNode = n; } } return bestNode; } /** * Start a new node, and then make the viewer think it * is in MOVE_MODE by setting the m_move variable, * without actually changing the mode. This way when the * user finally drops the node it will be back in NODE_MODE. * * @param x The X coordinate to start at. * @param y The Y coordinate to start at. */ synchronized protected void startNode(int x, int y) { clearSelection(); m_busy = true; Node n = new Node(); n.x = x; n.y = y; if((m_monitor == null) || m_monitor.addNode(n)) { = "Node_" + (m_nodeCount++); if(m_lblNodes) { n.lbl.label =; } graph.nodes.addElement(n); m_move = n; m_moveStartX = x; //so that the node can be undone if necessary m_moveStartY = y;; repaint(); } else { m_busy = false; } } /** * If there is a group at the specified coordinate, * remove the group and promote its contents to the * parent level. */ synchronized boolean ungroup(int x, int y) { Node n = pick(x,y); if(n != null && (n instanceof Graph)) { Graph g = (Graph)n; if((m_monitor == null) || (m_monitor.ungroupGraph(g))) { for(Enumeration e = g.nodes.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Node child = (Node)e.nextElement(); g.parent.add(child); System.out.println("Promoting " +; } graph.delete(g); repaint(); return true; } } return false; } /** * Delete the node or group at (x, y). */ synchronized boolean delete(int x, int y) { Node n = pick(x,y); if(n != null && ((m_monitor == null) || (m_monitor.deleteNode(n)))) { graph.delete(n); repaint(); return true; } return false; } /** * Start a move operation. Set up some accounting variables * such as m_move, m_moveStartX/Y if the user has * successfully selected a proper node to move. */ synchronized boolean startMove(int x, int y) { clearSelection(); Node n = pick(x,y); if(n != null) { m_move = n; m_moveStartX = m_move.x; //so that the node can be undone if necessary m_moveStartY = m_move.y;; repaint(); return true; } return false; } /** * Drag the node being moved to the specified coordinate. * * @param x The X coordinate. * @param y The Y coordinate. */ synchronized boolean dragMove(int x, int y) { if(m_move != null) { m_move.x = x; m_move.y = y; repaint(); return true; } return false; } /** * Drop the node being moved at the specified coordinate. If * the monitor disallows the drop, return the node to its original * starting place (before the move). * * @param x The X coordinate. * @param y The Y coordinate. */ synchronized boolean finishMove(int x, int y) { if(m_move != null) { if((m_monitor == null) || m_monitor.moveNode(m_move, x, y)) { m_move.x = x; m_move.y = y; } else { m_move.x = m_moveStartX; m_move.y = m_moveStartY; }; m_move = null; m_busy = false; repaint(); return true; } return false; } /** * Start a new edge at the specified coordinate. This function * sets up an invisible dummy node that the user drags around. */ synchronized boolean startEdge(int x, int y) { clearSelection(); Node n = pick(x,y); if(n != null && ((m_monitor == null) || m_monitor.startEdge(m_edge, n))) { m_tail = n;; m_head = new Node(); = "Dummy"; m_head.rep = null; m_head.lbl = null; m_head.x = x; m_head.y = y; try { m_edge = m_tail.attach(m_head); } catch(Exception e) { //this should never happen System.out.println(e); System.exit(0); } return true; } return false; } /** * Drag the invisible dummy node m_head to the * specified location, causing the edge to follow. */ synchronized boolean dragEdge(int x, int y) { if(m_tail != null && m_head != null) { Node n = pick(x,y); if(n != null) { if(!n.equals(m_possibleHead)) { if(m_possibleHead != null) {; } m_possibleHead = n;; } } else { if((m_possibleHead != null) && (m_possibleHead != m_tail)) {; } m_possibleHead = null; } m_head.x = x; m_head.y = y; repaint(); return true; } return false; } /** * Drag the invisible dummy node m_head to the * specified location, causing the edge to follow, then * drop the node. If the drop is successful, reassign * the head. Otherwise, delete the edge completely. */ synchronized boolean finishEdge(int x, int y) { if(m_tail != null && m_head != null) { Node n = pick(x, y); if(n != null && n != m_tail && ((m_monitor == null) || m_monitor.addEdge(m_edge, m_tail, n))) { = "Edge_" + (m_edgeCount++); if(m_lblEdges) { m_edge.lbl.label =; } m_edge.head = n;; } else { m_edge.detach(); } if(m_possibleHead != null) {; }; m_head = m_tail = m_possibleHead = null; m_edge = null; m_busy = false; repaint(); return true; } return false; } /** * Update the selection rectangle when the user is * dragging it around. */ void updateSel(int x, int y) { m_selRect.x = Math.min(m_startSelX, x); m_selRect.y = Math.min(m_startSelY, y); m_selRect.width = Math.abs(m_startSelX - x); m_selRect.height = Math.abs(m_startSelY - y); } /** * Pick all the nodes which lie within the selection * rectangle and add them to the current selection. If * SHIFT was not pressed, clear the selection first. */ void pickSel() { clearSelection(); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(); for(Enumeration e = graph.nodes.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Node n = (Node)e.nextElement(); bounds.x = (int)n.x; bounds.y = (int)n.y; bounds.width = (int)n.w; bounds.height = (int)n.h; if(m_selRect.intersects(bounds)) { if(n.rep != null && {; m_sel.addElement(n); } } } } /** * XXX This is a hack. Paint the selection rectangle in * the viewer. */ protected void viewerPaint(Graphics g) { if(m_inSel) { g.setColor(m_selColor); g.drawRect(m_selRect.x,m_selRect.y,m_selRect.width,m_selRect.height); } } /** * Handle mouse down events. This does different things * depending on the mode that the editor is in. */ public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) { switch(m_mode) { case DELETE_MODE: if(delete(x,y)) { return true; } break; case UNGROUP_MODE: if(ungroup(x,y)) { return true; } break; case MOVE_MODE: if(startMove(x,y)) { return true; } break; case NODE_MODE: startNode(x,y); return true; case EDGE_MODE: if(startEdge(x,y)) { return true; } break; } //if it makes it here, there was no pick if(m_mode == MOVE_MODE) { m_inSel = true; m_startSelX = x; m_startSelY = y; updateSel(x, y); repaint(); return true; } return super.mouseDown(evt,x,y); } /** * Handle mouse drag events. This does different things * depending on the mode that the editor is in and also what * state it's in. */ public boolean mouseDrag(Event evt, int x, int y) { switch(m_mode) { case MOVE_MODE: if(dragMove(x,y)) { return true; } break; case NODE_MODE: if(dragMove(x,y)) { return true; } return true; case EDGE_MODE: if(dragEdge(x, y)) { return true; } break; } //if it makes it here, there was no pick if(m_inSel) { updateSel(x,y); repaint(); return true; } return super.mouseDrag(evt,x,y); } /** * Handle mouse up events. This does different things * depending on the mode that the editor is in and also * what state it's in. */ public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, int x, int y) { switch(m_mode) { case MOVE_MODE: if(finishMove(x, y)) { return true; } break; case NODE_MODE: if(finishMove(x,y)) { return true; } return true; case EDGE_MODE: if(finishEdge(x, y)) { return true; } break; } if(m_inSel) { updateSel(x,y); pickSel(); repaint(); m_inSel = false; return true; } return super.mouseUp(evt,x,y); } /** * Handle keypress events. This switches between * modes if the user isn't in the middle of an * operation. * * * It also handles some basic commands. * */ public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int key) { if(!m_busy) { switch(key) { case 'n': m_mode = NODE_MODE; return true; case 'e': m_mode = EDGE_MODE; return true; case 'm': m_mode = MOVE_MODE; return true; case 's': m_mode = SELECT_MODE; return true; case 'd': m_mode = DELETE_MODE; return true; case 'c': graph.check(); return true; case 127: for(Enumeration e = m_sel.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Node n = (Node)e.nextElement(); graph.delete(n); } repaint(); return true; default: // System.out.println("key = " + key); } } return super.keyDown(evt,key); } }