package graph.editor; import graph.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; /** * A simple graph viewer. It displays a graph and * can also draw some "Painter" objects which know * how to draw into the window.

* * For now it also has a hacky key press handler which * invokes a test action of some sort on the graph. * * @see graph.Editor; * @see graph.Graph; * @author Michael Shilman ( * @version $Id$ */ public class Viewer extends Canvas { /** * The default viewer height. */ public static int HEIGHT = 600; /** * The default viewer width. */ public static int WIDTH = HEIGHT; /** * The default border around the viewer's canvas. */ public static final int BORDER = 50; /** * XXX A hacky action which can be used to test various * actions. */ public Action action = null; /** * The graph that is displayed in the window. */ public Graph graph = null; /** * A number of other painters which can paint into the * window. */ public Vector painters = new Vector(); /** * The offscreen image for double buffering. */ Image m_offImg = null; /** * Construct a new empty viewer. */ public Viewer() { super(); } /** * Construct a viewer of size w x h. */ public Viewer(int w, int h) { WIDTH = w; HEIGHT = h; } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public Dimension preferredSize() { return new Dimension(WIDTH, HEIGHT); } /** * Handle key presses. The return key * invokes the action member variable. * * @see #action */ public boolean keyDown(Event evt, int key) { switch(key) { case '\n': if(action != null) { action.apply(graph); repaint(); return true; } else { return super.keyDown(evt, key); } default: return super.keyDown(evt, key); } } /** * XXX A hack to more easily allow subclasses of * viewer to paint something extra into the window. */ protected void viewerPaint(Graphics g) { } /** * Paint the contents of the graph and each of the * Painter objects into the canvas. */ public void paint(Graphics g) { if(m_offImg == null) { m_offImg = createImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT); } Graphics offg = m_offImg.getGraphics(); super.paint(offg); graph.paint(offg); viewerPaint(offg); for(Enumeration e = painters.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Painter p = (Painter)e.nextElement(); p.paint(offg); } g.drawImage(m_offImg, 0, 0, this); } }