package graph.rep; import graph.*; import java.awt.*; /** * A data structure for storing the graphical representation * of a node. Nodes can have be presented as one of several * shapes, or as an image of some sort. * * @see graph.Node * @see graph.Graph * @author Michael Shilman ( * @version $Id$ */ public class NodeRep extends BaseRep implements Cloneable { /** * Draw this node in the shape of a rectangle. */ public static final int RECTANGLE = 0; /** * Draw this node in the shape of a 3d rectangle. */ public static final int THREED_RECT = 1; /** * Draw this node in the shape of a rounded rectangle. */ public static final int ROUND_RECT = 2; /** * Draw this node in the shape of an oval. */ public static final int OVAL = 3; /** * Draw this node in as an image. */ public static final int IMAGE = 4; //XXX // public static final int TRIANGLE = 0; // public static final int IMAGE = 0; // public Image i = null; /** * The drawing type of the node. Defaults to rectangle. */ public int type = RECTANGLE; /** * The drawing type of the node when it is selected. */ public int selType = RECTANGLE; /** * The radius of the corner in a rounded rectangle representation. */ public int corner = 5; /** * The fill color for the standard shape representation. */ public Color fill =;//XXX /** * The border color for the standard shape representation. */ public Color border =;//XXX /** * The image object in the image representation. */ public Image image = null; /** * The fill color for the selected shape representation. */ public Color selFill =; /** * The border color for the selected shape representation. */ public Color selBorder =; /** * The image object in the image representation when the node * is selected. */ public Image selImage = null; /** * Paint this node at the specified position. */ public void paint(Graphics g, double x, double y) { switch(type) { case IMAGE: if(image != null) { g.drawImage(image, (int)x, (int)y, null); } break; default: paint(g, x, y, Node.DEFAULT_WIDTH, Node.DEFAULT_HEIGHT); } } /** * Make a copy of this object. */ public Object clone() { NodeRep rep = new NodeRep(); rep.type = type; rep.selType = selType; rep.corner = corner; rep.fill = fill; rep.border = border; rep.image = image; rep.selImage = selImage; rep.selFill = selFill; rep.selBorder = selBorder; rep.selected = selected; return rep; } /** * Paint this object in the specified rectangle. */ public void paint(Graphics g, double x1, double y1, double w1, double h1) { int x = (int)x1; int y = (int)y1; int w = (int)w1; int h = (int)h1; int t = ((selected) ? selType : type); Color fc = ((selected) ? selFill : fill); Color bc = ((selected) ? selBorder : border); Image img = ((selected) ? selImage : image); if(show) { if(fc != null) { g.setColor(fc); switch(t) { case THREED_RECT: g.fill3DRect(x,y,w,h,true); case ROUND_RECT: g.fillRoundRect(x,y,w,h,corner,corner); break; case OVAL: g.fillOval(x,y,w,h); break; case IMAGE: if(img != null) { // System.out.println("Drawing image: " + img.getWidth(null) + " x " + img.getHeight(null)); g.drawImage(img, (int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h, null); } break; case RECTANGLE: default: g.fillRect(x,y,w,h); break; } } if(bc != null) { g.setColor(bc); switch(t) { case THREED_RECT: g.draw3DRect(x,y,w,h,true); case ROUND_RECT: g.drawRoundRect(x,y,w,h,corner,corner); break; case OVAL: g.drawOval(x,y,w,h); break; case IMAGE: break; case RECTANGLE: default: g.drawRect(x,y,w,h); break; } } } } }