Edwin Chi-Keung Ng

550 Cory Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
phone: 510-643-5479

I am an EECS senior in the University of California, Berkeley. I am currently working for Professor Newton to build a printed circuit board router which allows 45 degree and multiple layers routing. A preliminary report of the project is also available.

Links to other sites I found useful.

  1. Internet searching engines.

  2. Global Network Navigator (GNN) Home Page

  3. Security APL Quote Server

  4. O'Reilly & Associates

  5. Local weather

  6. Internet shopping mall

  7. The EIT Webmaster's Starter Kit

  8. Peachpit Home Page (Easy HTML)

  9. A fairly big collection of links, may not be useful to you

  10. My private mirror of netscape internet searching page
    To leave me any comments, suggestions, or anything, click here.