Francis Chan

I am a Graduate Student at University of California, Berkeley

Major: Computer Science
(Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)

In conjunction: Management of Technology Joint Program
(Haas School of Business)

Research Information

Member of the WELD (CAD) group,
under Professor A. Richard Newton

Office: 550 Cory Hall (B5 128)

Phone Number: (510)642-5790

Link to group members and
Research Project Summary

My research materials

Hoping research will take me "To Infinity... and Beyond!!!"

Academic Schedule (Spring 97)

BA 296.5 Strategic Computing and Communications Technology
CS 299 Independent Research
JP 10B Intermediate Japanese - II

Current Projects and Tasks

Development of the infrastructure of a Web-Based Electronic Design System
Defining and Implementing Java-Based Client Infrastructure and Applications

Mastering the Java Programming Language
Developing a sound business mind, reading the Wall Street Journal
Following closely (High-Tech) Stock performances
Learning the Japanese Language

Fun and Interests

Professional Sports and Cal Sports
Golf, Softball, Tennis, Bowling and Swimming
Music and Karaoke
Hanging out with my friends

Weekly Academic Schedule
9:30-11:00BA 296BA 296
11:00-12:00J 10BJ 10BJ 10BJ 10BJ 10B
12:00-1:00 CAD Group
Meeting w/
1:00-2:00 WELD

Thank you for visiting my page

Francis Chan

387 Soda Hall #1776,			
Computer Science Division,		
University of California at Berkeley,	
CA 94720-1776,
